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谁有磺胺粉?。Who's got sulfa powder?

她对青霉素和磺胺类药物过敏。She was allergic to penicillin and sulfa drugs.

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多马克的研究工作促进了硫胺类抗菌素药物的发展。Domagk's work led to the development of the antibacterial sulfa drugs.

和青霉素类似,很多细菌也对磺胺产生了耐药性。And similar to penicillin, many bacteria also have had a sulfa drug resistance.

另外,人类还用其他药物,比如磺胺类药物杀灭细菌。In addition, the human use of other drugs also, such as sulfa drugs to kill bacteria.

采用反相高效液相色谱法,同时测定对虾中的五种磺胺类药物残留。Five kinds of sulfa drugs residues in prawn were determined by RP-HPLC simultaneously.

该菌对某些磺胺类、氨基糖苷类药物和氯霉素高度敏感。The bacterium is sensitive to some sulfa drugs, aminoglycoside antibiotics and Chloramphenicol.

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目的了解和掌握兰州地区鲜牛乳中磺胺类兽药残留水平及其分布规律。To study the level of the sulfa remains of beast drugs in fresh milk and its distribution regularity.

在此我们报告一例肺部奴卡氏菌病经磺胺药物治疗痊愈的经过。We report a patient with pulmonary nocardiosis who improved after sulfa drug and minocycline treatment.

猛烈的细菌可用磺胺药和其它抗生素以预防并发症。Sulfa drugs or other antibiotics are prescribed in severe bacterial infections to prevent complications.

然而,尽管磺胺药物已经成功,但大多数传染病仍然无法进行化学药物治疗。However, despite the successes of the sulfa drugs, most infectious diseases still were not under chemical control.

抑制细菌繁殖,我们可以有效地延长酸奶保质期。Sulfa drugs inhibit the growth and multiplication of certain bacteria by interfering with the synthesis of folic acid.

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方法采用高效液相色谱法同时测定4种磺胺类兽药的残留量。Highly effective liquid chromatography was applied to determine the sulfa remains of the four kinds of beast drugs in fresh milk.

磺胺类药过敏病人也对氢氯噻嗪过敏,因为这两种药物化学结构类似。Patients allergic to sulfa may also be allergic to hydrochlorothiazide because of a similarity in the chemical structure of the medications.

二十世纪三十年代磺胺基类药物和四十年代盘尼西林的应用,一下子让很多传染病可以治愈了。The introduction of sulfa drugs, in the nineteen-thirties, and penicillin, in the nineteen-forties, suddenly made many bacterial infections curable.

微生物理论慢慢地取得了胜利----但是,直到出现了磺胺类药物和抗生素之前,战胜细菌的唯一方法几乎也还是将它们洗掉。The germ theory slowly triumphed — but until the development of sulfa and antibiotics, almost the only way to fight microbes was by washing them off.

抗菌范围和磺胺类相似,与磺胺药联合使用或与抗菌素联合使用,都可大为提高药物疗效。Range and similar antibacterial sulfonamides, in combination with sulfa drugs or in combination with antibiotics, can significantly improve drug efficacy.

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硫的有机化合物包括数种含硫氨基酸、磺胺药以及多种除虫剂、溶剂,以及用于制造橡胶和合成纤维等的许多原料。Organic compounds with sulfur include several amino acids, the sulfa drugs, and many insecticides, solvents, and substances used in making rubber and rayon.

同样若磺胺类西药与山楂、乌梅等酸性中药合用,可加重磺胺药引起的尿结晶而损害肾脏。Similarly, if sulfa medicine and hawthorn, ebony and other acidic combination of Chinese medicine can increase the crystallization of sulfa drugs which caused damage to the kidneys in urine.