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他殷勤地侍候她。He danced attendance on her.

与会者一一散去。The attendance gradually dropped off.

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这是一份学生考勤记录。This is a record of school attendance.

今天我们班同学全到齐了。Our class has perfect attendance today.

我陪伴着生病的孩子彻夜未眠。She is in attendance on the sick child.

全体学员出席控管人。Attendance Coordinator of the Student Body.

他因为全勤获得了表扬。He was praised for regularity of attendance.

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他这个月的出勤率令人满意。His attendance rate this month is desirable.

提供午餐可以提高参会人数。Supply lunch, as it will improve attendance.

我们上课要点名的We will be taking attendance in the lecture.

每个小组自己登记出勤情况。Each group kept its own records of attendance.

参加晚祷并非硬性规定。Attendance at evening prayers is not compulsory.

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高等学校在校总人数达到两千三百万。The total college attendance reached 23 million.

所有听讲证书将不予补发。Certificates of Attendance will not be re-issued.

来宾在签到薄上签名。Guests signed their names on the attendance book.

那位护士一直照料着那个病人。The nurse is in contant attendance on the patient.

爱丽丝在老板面前可会献殷勤了。Alice is so good at dancing attendance on her boss.

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负责维修部考勤记录。Record the working attendance of Repair Department.

两个家长,每方一均列席。Two parents, one from each side, are in attendance.

统计每月的考勤表。Consolidate the Division's Monthly Attendance Sheet.