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它压着,狠狠地压着,于是她们死了。Thus they die.

他心里这样暗忖。Thus he groped.

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故事就这样开始了。Thus the thing began.

会义就这样结束了。Thus ended the meeting.

传说就是这样诞生的。Thus the legend was born.

于是曹操就被打败了。Thus Cao Cao was defeated.

这样亚扪人就被以色列人制伏了。Thus Israel subdued Ammon.

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才会如此被爱情调戏。Thus are Ridicul'dby Love.

于是,我的日子也流走了。Thus my days passy by also.

于是民主贬值了。Thus was democracy debased.

因此人称“托塔天王”。Thus so-called "Tota kings".

就这样,狐狸借着老虎在百兽面前威风了一次。Thus the fox used the tiger.

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我于是送你到主面前。And thus I comytt you to god.

就这样机灵鬼玩具诞生了。And thus the Slinky was born.

于是真爱也会分离。And thus true love may sever.

他这样呆了许久。He remained a long time thus.

是的,至今我依然健在。Yes, I am surviving thus far.

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蒙太诺可是他常常是这样的吗?Montano. But is he often thus?

这样他在身心两方面都成长起来。Thus he grew in body and soul.

这下子就露底了。Thus the whole thing came out.