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萨尔塔被誉为阿根廷最“传统”的省份。Salta has a reputation as the most "traditional" of Argentina's provinces.

阿根廷西北部的萨尔塔省,一个小姑娘穿着节日的盛装,但是风跟她玩了个恶作剧。The wind makes mischief for a girl dressed in her festival best in Salta Province in northwestern Argentina.

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Salta省的土著居民感到其权利有所增加,也知道了他们应该享受哪些公共服务。The indigenous people of Salta feel empowered and they are now aware of what public services they are entitled to.

Salta是肉或者有在一过热的石头碗里提供,片状的面包吃的蔬菜、鸡肉肉汤。Salta is a meat or chicken broth with vegetables served in a superheated stone bowl, and eaten with a special flat, flaky bread.

阿根廷萨尔塔省的黄豆种植大户佛朗西斯科·富杜尼说,环保人士忽略了开垦土地种植黄豆所创造的工作机会。Francisco Fortuny, a large soybean grower in Salta , Argentina, said environmentalists ignore the jobs created when land is cleared for soybeans.

有可提供的Salta的许多类型,并且一些餐厅,正如你将发现的,一般很欢迎他们的特别的烹饪法。There are numerous types of Salta available, and some restaurants, as you will discover, are more popular than others for their particular recipe.

在头三节的第一天,阿根廷,特别是到达喀尔企业和胡胡伊省和萨尔塔来接近玻利维亚。Over the first three days of the first Argentine section, the Dakar ventures in particular into the provinces of Jujuy and Salta and comes close to Bolivia.

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于是总统府取消了克里斯蒂娜当天的行程安排,包括参观一家工厂和会见刚刚连任的萨尔塔省省长。Christina then canceled the day of the presidential palace itinerary, including visits to a factory and met with newly re-elected governor of Salta province.

在接下来的一周,我们跨越四个省份,最后才辗转到萨尔塔市的一个被夏日黄昏照亮了尖顶的古老教堂。Over the following week we crossed four provinces, before finally rolling into Salta city one summer evening as the sunset lit up the church spires against the surrounding mountains.

阿根廷动物及食品卫生局上周报告说,已经在布宜诺斯艾利斯省、查科省、克里安蒂省、密西昂纳省、萨尔塔省和圣菲省发现了亚洲锈病。Senasa, Argentina's animal- and food-health agency, reported last week that Asian rust has already been found in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Chaco, Corrientes, Misiones, Salta and Santa Fe.