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我的“就恰当地被予于了轻视。And MINE were worthily despised.

他们不愧是当今“最可爱的人”。They are worthily now the most lovable person.

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巴不得我能好好事奉祢一天。Would that for but one day I could serve You worthily !

好强劲的对手,不愧为联合军第一战士。Good strong match, worthily for union armed force first soldiers.

因此,常先生不愧为一位孜孜不倦的文化大使。Therefore, Mr. Chang is worthily a diligently cultural ambassador.

噢,我希望您允许我适当地回报一下那个忠诚勇敢的人。I trust you wIll allow me to recompense worthIly the devotIon of your man.

在不同的地区,可以根据当地时令,选择适宜花材。Be in different area, can according to local season, the choice spends material worthily.

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让每一架皇者钢琴不只仅只是一个产物,更是一件值得终身珍藏的艺术品。Making every "Emperor" piano not only a product, but also an artwork to be worthily cherished forever.

事实证明,AB公司不愧是善打硬仗的骁勇之师。Facts have proved that, AB Corporation is the brave teacher who worthily fights a hard battle friendly.

因此,重新认识和研究典当就成为民法学中一个值得思考的课题。Therefore, a new awareness and research of pawn has become a worthily considering issue in the Civil law.

不要随便使用“加密此帖”和“出售此帖”来赚取积分,此类帖子必须物有所值。Do not use "encrypt article" and "Sale article" for earning integral. The article does so must be worthily.

“果然不愧是完美进化体啊,身体实在太强悍了!”何教授也感叹道。"Is really worthily the perfect evolution body, the body has been really too intrepid! " Professor He also sighs.

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只有铆足劲儿教书育人,才能不愧对教师这个神圣的职业!Only the riveting full vigor imparts knowledge and educates people, can worthily to teacher this sacred occupation!

钱学森在美国的20年为他报效祖国做了充分的准备。The 20-year stay of Qian Xuesen in America, he made profound preparations for him to serve the motherland worthily.

你们为了H2G不惜牺牲自己,你们不愧为H2G领导生存的坚强后盾,你们不愧为H2G领导利益的重要保障!You have sacrificed yourselves to save us, and you are worthily to be the strong backing of H2G leaders to survive.

因此,天主用同样的动物来惩罚他们,使他们受许多动物的残害,很为适当。For these things, and by the like things to these, they were worthily punished, and were destroyed by a multitude of beasts.

爸爸不愧是热爱兰花,跑下去找了泰半天,终于把妈妈扔失落的兰花找回来了。Daddy worthily is very fond of the orchid, ran has looked for the most of the day, the orchid which discarded mother looks finally.

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通过试验可知,悬胶燃料具有较好的应用价值,是一项值得推广的新型燃料替代产品。The results show that the suspended colloid fuel has good utilization value and it is a new substitutive fuel to be worthily popularized.

我们让能够献出卵子的女人通过合法的、合理的、有所值的途径,来让那些无法拥有卵子的妇女享受到做母亲的荣誉和快乐。We make women with eggs donate them legally, rationally and worthily and let those who without eggs to enjoy the honour and have the joy of being mothers.

这样能提高控制精度,使炼胶釜温度按用户设定的曲线变化,从而提高胶粘剂的质量。The raised controlling precision makes the variation in temperature in accordance with the curve designed and note worthily enhances the quality of adhesive.