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我如何能逃脱?How can I escape?

甜蜜大逃亡。The sweet escape.

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他希图逃走。He essayed escape.

音乐是我的跳脱。Music is my escape.

这个人决逃不了。This man cannot escape.

我们谁也不能逃脱死亡。No one of us can escape.

犯人们很少越狱。Prisoners rarely escape.

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我逃不开月亮。I cannot escape the moon.

雨天有利于他的逃跑。Rain favoured his escape.

甚至连光都不能逃脱。Not even light can escape.

是城府还是逃避?Is the Ayutthaya or escape?

巴黎人去塔希提岛。Parisians escape to Tahiti.

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真的是逃不过我的魔掌。There is no escape from me.

中国需要一个“放气阀”。China needs an escape valve.

不,你不能逃离耶稣。No, you cannot escape Jesus.

小崽很侥幸地逃过一劫。The calf had a lucky escape.

似乎无处可逃。There seems to be no escape.

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亚力克乘着渡船逃离了。Aleck took a ferry to escape.

人们无法规避暑热。People can't escape the heat.

不可避免的。There' s no escape from that.