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让它重塑你的生活。Let it renovate your life.

正是整修窝巢的时候。It is time to renovate the nest.

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他们准备将旧家具整修一番。They are going to renovate the old furniture.

厨房是我们决定改建的第一个房间。The kitchen is first room we decided to renovate.

他们由此挣到足够的钱,装修了教堂地下室。They raised enough money to renovate the church basement.

因此,如果你想你的旧家翻新,然后穿上?Therefore, if you want to renovate your old home then don?

管道更新改造工程是困扰城市给水管道的一大难题。It is very difficulty to renovate the corrupted water pipeline.

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你的职责是宣告这些,并且让它们更新你的生命。Your responsibility it to confess it. Let it renovate your life.

当路易吉要求我们重新整修他们家的住宅时,我们很惊讶。When Luigi asked us to renovate his family house we were surprised.

1998年他们注入两个亿人民币,大规模塑造新概念的朱家角。In 1998, the company invested 200 million RMB to renovate Zhujiajiao.

在加州的橘子郡,他们还将为退伍军人修缮房屋。In Orange County, California, they’ll renovate homes for our veterans.

在印尼,慈济志工帮助一位生活困顿的老妇人、维修残破的房子。In Indonesia, volunteers helped an old woman renovate her tumbledown home.

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校长已经接受了翻新旧校舍的提议。The school master has accepted proposals to renovate the old schoolhouses.

翻新长江大学的旧校舍花费很大。It cost much to renovate old college buildings at the University of CHANGJIANG.

如今大夏的复兴重担就靠你和任少侠了!The renovate heavy burden in big summer relied you and allowed tiny Xia by far!

为了让生病的妈妈住得舒服,他们费尽心力地把房子重新装修了一下。参考答案。To make their sick mother live comfortably, they took pains to renovate the house.

申请经费将英文语言实验室改建为戏剧教学室。Fund will be sought to renovate English Language Laboratory as Drama Education Room.

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你看周围的这些工人们他们正在抓紧时间修缮这百年古庙呢。These workers around are just doing their utmost to renovate this century-old temple.

两人说起了最爱的电影和音乐,说起了修缮房屋的计划。They talked about favorite movies and music. They made plans to renovate their house.

另外690家企业被勒令整治以提高产品质量。Another 690 were ordered to renovate their plants and improve product quality, it said.