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她的慷慨鼓励了其他人无私地给予。Her generosity encouraged others to give unselfishly.

你无私地帮助我和其他人,上帝保佑你。God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others.

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神想要你学会去无私的爱,去无私的服侍别人。God wants you to learn to love and serve others unselfishly.

我们必须按战术布置打球并且无论和谁比赛都无私传球。Wehave to play under control and unselfishly no matter who's in the game.

亲爱的纽兰,你毫无私心地关照奥兰斯卡夫人,真是太好了。It was good of you, dear Newland, to devote yourself so unselfishly to Madame Olenska.

这些“最可爱的人”从踏入行列那一刻起,便懂得了什么叫无私奉献。"lovely person most "these since stepping foot on ranks that time, understand what ask, dedicate unselfishly.

他把自己非凡的才智和精力无私地献给了这项事业,而这项事业今天已使他实现了目标。He unselfishly contributed his uncommon talents and spirit to this career which today helps him reach his goal.

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他把我自己非凡的才智和精力无私地献给了这项事业,然而这项事业今天已使他实现了目标。He unselfishly contributed his uncommon talents and spirit to this career which today helps him reach his goal.

她无私地让我们共享她的爱,不求回报。我从她那里学到了,无条件付出的爱。Unselfishly she shares her love and asks none in return. love that's unconditional from her is what I've learned.

灌水区发展到今天都离不开大家的支持和无私奉献!Everybody's support that can't leave until today in development of pouring water area and dedicating unselfishly !

她给我的忠告帮我找到了属于自己的方向,我努力像母亲那样,无私的去爱。Advice that she has given me has helped me find my way. I try with all my heart to love unselfishly like my mother.

有些人认为这些资源这不该受到指责,因为他们是非常无私的去帮助贫穷的阿富汗人。Some think the volunteers should think the volunteers should not be blamed for unselfishly trying to help poor Afghans.

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我等待你赐予我的生命。你让我醒来并给我展现了那无私的爱。All of my life, I have been waiting for all you give to me. You've opened my eyes and showed me how to love unselfishly.

超过6100万美国人参加志愿活动,贡献自己的时间与精力,为有困难的人改善生活条件。More than 61 million Americans volunteer to improve conditions for people in need and to unselfishly give of themselves.

只有那些真正深切关爱自己家人和孩子的人,才会甘愿牺牲自己。Those of you who true love your spouse and children would unselfishly lay your life on the line to save them from death.

你愿意无私地放弃自己的生命来拯救你真正爱着的配偶和孩子免于死亡.Those of you who truly love your spells but unchildren, would unselfishly lay your life on the line to save them from death?

拥有超强的控球能力,鲁尼传接球的能力、远射的功夫和甘于为球队整体服务的无私精神,在国际足坛举世无双。Powerful and strong on the ball, Rooney's ability to pick a pass, shoot from distance and unselfishly work for the team is unparalleled in world football.

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翻译他将自己非凡的才智和不倦的精神无私献给了那次奋斗,那次奋斗今天已使人类大多数人实现了那些目标。He unselfishly contributed his uncommon talents and indefatigable spirit to the struggle which today brings them within the reach of a majority of the human race.

遵守国家法律、法规和有关政策,承认本会章程,廉洁自律,无私奉献。Must abide by the laws, regulations and relevant policies in China, permit the rules of our organization, be honest and self-discipline and contribute unselfishly.

为显扬耶稣基督爱人如己,博爱济世精神,我们愿衷心全力负起天主教医院的使命。To Manifest the spirit of Jesus Christ who lives unselfishly & unconditionally, we will with our whole heart & power to carry out the mission of a Catholic Hospital.