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起初,我在脑海中掘开了一个坟墓。Mentally I dug a grave.

弥拉在心里猜测了一番。Mira made a guess mentally.

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我们已经变得精神懒惰了。We have become mentally lazy.

一个孩子是迟钝的。One child was mentally retarded.

要是想像尽情吃个饱会怎样?What if you mentally ate your fill?

他天生是个低能儿。He was born a mentally retarded boy.

但是其实这一切是因为他们缺少父爱,他们的心理特别脆弱。However, they are mentally vulnerable.

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让游客心理上得到明确。Let the visitor get mentally definitely.

照应词的指称对象是一个心理存在。The referents of anaphora mentally exist.

聋哑人和弱智者怎么做梦?How do the deaf-mutes and mentally disabled dream?

球员们只有永不言弃才能不断进步。Players who never give up mentally always improve.

你在心理上落户于你内心的错误想法上。You are mentally dwelling with error in your mind.

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现在闭上眼睛,试着在脑海里重新画出它的样子。Now close your eyes and try to reproduce it mentally.

聋哑人和弱智者怎样做梦?How do the deaf-mutes and the mentally disabled dream?

人要有自尊,精神才可健康。To be mentally healthy, people must have self-respect.

同时他应该有强健的体魄和良好的精神状态。Also he should be physically strong and mentally sound.

他言辞敏锐,头脑灵活,与其相伴,真是其乐融融。He is fun to be with—verbally sharp and mentally agile.

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他警告称,志愿者们需要对此做好充分心理准备。He warned volunteers to be fully and mentally prepared.

什么样的儿童被视为弱智儿童?。What kinds of children are regarded as mentally retarded?

我不在迷茫,我找到目标了。I'm not mentally stupefied any more. I found my objective.