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□阳痿的可能性增加。Increases likelihood of impotence

没有这件事情发生的可能性。There is no likelihood of that happening.

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是否有修正的可能?Whether to have an amendatory likelihood?

十之八九,明天是个大晴天。In all likelihood it will be a sunny day to morrow.

这有帮助提高怀孕的可能性。This further increases the likelihood of conception.

另一种可能性是,你进行了仓促的授权。The other likelihood is that you delegated prematurely.

它能增加有效解决问题的可能性。It increases the likelihood of effective problem solving.

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任何一个SRES情景都不存在可能性。No likelihood has been attached to any of the SRES scenarios.

中风可能性的增加就是一个深刻的例子。The increased likelihood of strokes is just one acute example.

把这些数字加起来,排列出采用的可能性。Add these numbers together and rank the likelihood of adoption.

但真正将数据清除的可能性是非常低的。But the likelihood that it will actually be purged is very low.

可能是皮肤过敏,或者湿疹,用皮康灵试试。The likelihood is skin allergy, or eczema, try with Pi Kangling.

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太多人以前伟大,美好,让你怀疑这样巨大变化的可能性。Too many fall from great and good For you to doubt the likelihood.

可能性和影响的结合用于优先化。The combination of likelihood and impact are used for prioritization.

概率是用来描述,某一结果发生的可能性The idea is that probability measures the likelihood of some outcome.

这种想法是概率可以用一些结果的可能性来测量。The idea is that probability measures the likelihood of some outcome.

当你选择合适的合作伙伴,增加成功的可能性。When you choose your partners, you increase the likelihood of success.

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采用遗传排除法和似然分析法进行青冈幼苗的亲本分析。Likelihood analysis identified one or two parent pairs for the seedlings.

夜间发作心肌梗死的患者并发有OSA的可能性很高。Patients with nocturnal onset of MI have a high likelihood of having OSA.

她还补充说,这样做可以降低近亲繁殖几率。This practice would have reduced the likelihood of inbreeding, she added.