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他想要成为第一的渴望是不切实际的。His desire to be No. 1 is unpractical.

我只想告诉你这是不切实际的,但并不包括所有。I just want to telling you that this is unpractical. But not include whole.

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不切实际的期望值使部份学生对大学生活感到失望。Unpractical expectations make some students disappointed in their college life.

所以在记协内设立律师事务所是不切实际的。Therefore, it is unpractical for a journalists' association to run a law office.

有人说他那当明星的计划完全是不切实际的梦想。Some people said that his plan of trying to play the star is a unpractical dream.

曾经非常简单和实用的内容经过一段时间后变得非常复杂和不切实际。Something simple and practical had, over time, become very complex and unpractical.

线性双折射效应是限制光学电流互感器实用化的关键因素。Linear birefringent effect is the primary factor that makes optical current transducer unpractical.

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目前已经有很多种解决方案,但由于很多原因电子现金仍没有得到普及。Most proposed e-cash schemes are unpractical although it has been studied for more than two decades.

通过大规模的道路基础设施建设解决现有的交通问题是不现实的。It is unpractical to solve the existing traffic problems by large-scale construction of road infrastructure.

如果一日三餐换成整天都在吃这个观点你都觉得很无聊,不切实际,或者反社会的,那请你继续往下看。If trading three-meals-a-day for an all-day nibble seems unappealing, unpractical or simply anti-social, read on.

我一直觉得,像这样的地方是不适宜人类居住的,可大规模的移民又是不现实的。I always think area like this is unsuited for human beings, but it is also unpractical to emigrant in a large scale.

油气藏产生异常高压需要较大的抬升幅度,一般情况下难以出现。The abnormal high pressure in oil and gas reservoirs requires a large height of uplift, which is unpractical generally.

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对于端口数较多、较复杂的网络,据定义直接计算Y参数矩阵将十分麻烦,甚至不可能。Because of the complicated network which has numbers of ports, it is difficult and unpractical to build Y parameter matrix directly.

让自己牌自动状态意思就是,在看起来不实际荒谬的想法面前,先让自己的理智性的思维靠边儿站。Putting yourself on auto-response means silencing your practical mind, in the face of the seemingly unpractical and ridiculous ideas.

所以为了搜索引擎能够更好的收录您的站点,请放弃那些花哨或一些不实用的功能吧。For search so index is propped up can the better site that collects you, abandon those flowery or function of a few unpractical please.

其实,在这个一切都要实际年代,爱情太不现实了。我应该回到哲学中去,去学习纯粹的哲学。In fact, it is quite unpractical , and, as in this age to be practical is everything, I shall go back to Philosophy and study Metaphysics.

虽然菌毒计算机的设计都是基于最基本的生命规律,没有任何不切实际的凭空想象,但其实现和应用还需假以时日。Although bacteria-phage computer's design is based basic life's principle and without unpractical imagination, to realize it will cost time.

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除了政治与经济制度有待健全外,它更面对价值与信仰空洞化的窘境。Besides the political and economic systems needed to be improved, it is in an embarrassing period that the value and belief are unpractical.

政府沿着这条大街建了高层建筑物被认为是不切实际的政绩工程,因为我们这些年来一直在为之买单。The tall buildings the government had built along this avenue are considered an unpractical vanity project by many, because we'll be paying for them for years.

在这充满不确定的环境中,制定长期的、一成不变的决策显然是不现实的,而评价和利用这种不确定性的能力就变得非常关键。In the environment full of uncertainty, it is unpractical to make long-term and invariable decision, and it is very important to evaluate and use the uncertainty.