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赶上小修道院组员!Catching up with the Priory crew!

峋山隐修会真的存在吗?Does the Priory of Sion really exist?

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这个小镇里有个小修道院。There was a priory in the small town.

小修道院的建立有两大原因。This priory had two reasons for being.

他还是位郇山隐修会的大师。And he was a Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.

“说说郇山隐修会。”索菲催促道。"Tell me about the Priory of Sion, " Sophie said.

二十一世纪初的圣玛丽小教堂是一个外向型的团体。At the beginning of the twenty-first century the Priory Church of St.

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Durmand修道院的成员献身于保护学问与知识。The members of the Durmand Priory are dedicated to protecting knowledge and lore.

郇山隐修会是一个确实存在的组织,是一个成立于1099年的欧洲…The Priory of Sion― a European secret society founded in 1099― is a real organization.

广场一端坐落着一个紧闭的大门,通向马耳他骑士修道院。To one side is a great closed door, which leads to the Priory of the Knights of Malta.

但是乘巴士长途旅行肯定比在修道院修身养性两个星期更有价值,时间会证明一切。But surely the bus represents better value than a two-week "rest" in The Priory. Time will tell.

公元1247年,伯利恒圣玛利亚小修道院在伦敦城落成。In the year of our lord 1247, in the City of London was founded the priory of St. Mary of Bethlehem.

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本报读者尤金·麦康维尔发来这幅摄于伦敦普里奥里港的秋季照片。Daily Telegraph reader Eugene McConville sent in this autumnal photograph taken in Priory Park, London

修会的学者们相信,他们可以利用过去已经取得胜利的远古知识来打败巨龙。The scholars of the priory believe the dragon might be defeated using ancient knowledge of a past victory.

著名实例是班贝格郊区的十四圣徒朝圣教堂、罗赫尔的修道院教堂。Well-known example is the 14-day Saints the outskirts of Bamberg, pilgrimage church, Rochel's Priory Church.

荀国又称郇国,文献记载郇,姬姓,这与铭文所载是一致的。Xunalso known as the Priory of the country, documented Xun, Jixing, which contained inscriptions are the same.

史上第一座以砝码带动的机械钟,是1283年装设在英格兰贝德福郡的丹斯塔布修道院。THE EARLIEST RECORDED weight-driven mechanical clock was installed in1283 at Dunstable Priory in Bedfordshire, England.

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Durmand修道院的发现早于奥尔玫瑰和Zhaitan所引起的海啸淹没淹狮子拱门。The Durmand Priory was founded before Orr rose and a massive tidal wave caused by Zhaitan's awakening flooded Lion's Arch.

许多星光兄弟会的西方成员在锡安会和蔷薇十字会有莫大的影响力。Many members of the Brotherhood of the Star in the West were very influential in Priory of Sion and within Rosicrucian circles.

圣马丁教堂原是一座小修道院,后来则被目为一座革命性的博物馆和神秘知识的摘要。Saint-Martin-des-Champs had been conceived first as a priory and only later as a revolutionary museum and compendium of arcane knowledge.