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他早就忘了这档子事。He had forgotten.

但不会被忘记。But not forgotten.

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他早就忘得没影儿了。He's clean forgotten it.

我忘记带钱了。I've forgotten my money.

魔法已尽忘。Magic was quite forgotten.

但它没有被遗忘。Butit hasn’t been forgotten.

这事我已全忘了。I've forgotten all about it.

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我们早已忘记怎样放松。We’ve forgotten how to relax.

战争的呼喊已被人们忘记。And the war-cry was forgotten.

但是,我从来没有忘掉它。But I have never forgotten it.

拉丁语我早已忘光了。I have forgotten all my Latin.

但他从未忘记约翰森。But he had never forgotten Dad.

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我已经忘记笤帚了。I had forgotten about the whisks.

我忘记束起我的头发。I had forgotten to braid my hair.

我差点把他的名字忘了。I have nearly forgotten his name.

难道神忘记开恩。Hath God forgotten to be gracious?

我忘了是哪间自助餐厅了I've forgotten which one that was.

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逢难求上帝,过后全忘记。The danger past and God forgotten.

她忘记了答应写信的事。Her promise to write was forgotten.

是我们忘了如何做调查吗?Have we forgotten how to do surveys?