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画图或布景。Painting or landscape.

剩下的只是风景。The rest is landscape.

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山水之冠,游我独得!The landscape and I alone!

我们寄情山水。We send feeling landscape.

这个风景很上镜头。This landscape is photogenic.

大雾把山水景色笼罩了个严实。A fog abolished the landscape.

青草增添景色之美。Grass beautifies the landscape.

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薄雾常常使风景暗淡。Mist often blurs the landscape.

一○都市设计或景观计画。Urban design or landscape plans.

真是名副其实的山水画!It's a landscape painting indeed.

一个小核桃里有自然大美。A walnut is a boundless landscape.

秋季的鹿瑟山。Mountain Loser in autumn landscape.

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露天开采毁掉了风景。Strip mining deforms the landscape.

何咏思风景照讲述了什么?What Do Landscape Photographs Tell?

一幅数字绘制的风景画A digital painting of the landscape.

一棵高耸的松树俯视全景。A tall pine dominated the landscape.

但是他们都不能占有这片风景。But none of them owns the landscape.

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正在寻找室外景观设计吗?Looking for outdoor landscape design?

凯扬波山谷的风景如画。Sweeping landscape of Cayambe Valley.

这个男孩子在纸上画了一张风景画。The boy painted a landscape on paper.