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白鹭在跳小步舞。E—Egret in a minuet.

周冬雪在家演奏小步舞曲。Tung Suet plays Bach's minuet at home.

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他的小步舞跳得庄重而优美。He stepped a minuet gravely and gracefully.

博凯里尼的小步舞曲请问在哪儿能下载到?。Where to download the Minuet from L. Boccherini?

就这样在我们和中国人之间开始了复杂的小步舞。Thus began an intricate minuet between us and the Chinese.

小学生们一看到他们的老师在院子里跳小舞步都笑起来了。The pupils laughed at the sight of their teacher dancing a minuet in the yard.

抽烟是一种气体的混合物,蒸发的化学品,那时,米哀奴舞曲的灰和其他固体。Smoke is a mixture of gases, vaporized chemicals, minuet particles of ash, and other solids.

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BBC驻突尼斯记者迈纳特称,安全部队目前包围了示威者,不过还没有插手干预。BBC reporter Minuet in Tunisia, said security forces surrounded the demonstrators were present, but not interfere.

这一外交事件发生在过去四年中国与朝鲜的贸易急剧增加的背景之下。The diplomatic minuet is taking place after China sharply increased trade with North Korea over the past four years.

17世纪和18世纪流行于法国和英国的一种轻快活泼的官廷舞蹈,类似小步舞,但稍快一些。A spirited court dance, popular in France and England in the 17th and 18th centuries, resembling a minuet but faster.

由于三个分离的政策议题现在回旋在一个舞池中使得这场外交舞会令人着迷。The diplomatic minuet is fascinating because three disconnected policy issues are now whirling on a single dance floor.

小步舞是一种具有尊严和礼貌的贵族化的舞蹈形式,两位作曲家都忠实于其本源。And from Mozart's 36th symphony. The minuet is a courtly, aristocratic dance, and both composers are faithful to its nature.

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可造成大量动物的小步舞曲损坏,如果你有他们,你想知道它使你能有所作为。The minuet creatures can cause a lot of damage and, if you have them, you want to know it so that you can do something about it.

小步舞是一种具有尊严和礼貌的贵族化的舞蹈形式,两位作曲家都忠实于其本源。And Play Media from Mozart's 36th symphony. The minuet is a courtly, aristocratic dance, and both composers are faithful to its nature.

柴可夫斯基对莫扎特小步舞曲的改编,可以说是将清晰、流畅的古典音乐浓化为"用音乐来讲述娓娓动听的故事"的柴氏语言之作。Tchaikovsky's adaptation of Mozart minuet can be said to be clear, thick fluid style into classical music "sounds appealing to use music to tell the story ".

他的音乐不仅继承了古典主义简约型式,同时还将浪漫主义的作曲手法融入其中,加以高超的钢琴演奏技巧,使得他的音乐具有独特的艺术魅力。The composer organically combines classical genre with modern composition techniques in this work and adds superb piano playing skills to endue the minuet with unique characteristics.