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若干年前,微软开始提供在线服务,即MSN。Years ago, it started its own online service, MSN.

中国游戏中心棋牌游戏,网络游戏,连连看…Play trivia, board, and card games online with MSN.

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——在MSN上空等别人来与你聊天。waiting on MSN so someone will “hopefully” talk to you.

我想我所有MSN上的联系人都会收到同样的邮件。I guess all my MSN contacts have been received the same junks.

希望留下你的建议,互相加为好友以便交流!Hope you leave your comments and add me to your MSN blog friends' list!

它通过MSN聊天,IRC频道和可移动盘来传播。It spreads via MSN Messneger, IRC channels and removable drives. 2Buzus.

冰是我名字的一部分。0086代表中国。冰来自中国,这就是我的新个人空间。Bing is a part of my name. 0086 means China. Bing from China, this is my new MSN.

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你可以用一分钟的时间,通过查看MSN财经上的公司报告网页得出答案。You can find out in a New York minute by checking MSN Money's Company Report pages.

事实上,我已经尽力了,我删除了所有有关的东西,甚至MSN。Actually, I did do my best, I deleted everything that related and even deleted my MSN.

MSN的用户的展示了至少有些用户已经把这些要求印在心里了。The spike in MSN users shows that at least some users have taken that request to heart.

今天,突然想起在MSN上建立一个空间,来记录自己生活中的点滴。Today , I suddenly wanna create a space in MSN for recording dribs and drabs of my life.

在MSN上这锵锵有力的宣言,道出了无数网友的心声。On MSN this clang clangs strong enunciative, spoke the aspirations of countless netizens.

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更确切地说,直到我在MSN上读到相关的文章才知道现在全国各地又一次出现麻疹病例。That is, until I read on MSN that we are having measles cases all over the country again.

QQ和MSN用户的区别正是这一文化冲突的最好例证。The distinction of QQ and MSN user is clash of this one culture is best and paradigmatic.

这项服务将设在MSN网站的“音乐”版块,并在整个门户网站进行推广。The service will sit within the ‘Music’ section of MSN and be promoted across the portal.

辛西亚和莎拉在辛西亚的房间里。辛西亚已经在MSN上聊天聊了好几个小时。Cynthia and Sara are in Cynthia's room. Cynthia has been chatting on MSN for several hours.

他谈论到如何快速推出MSN在线服务让用户接受并且超过美国在线公司,他想法的中心就是MSN可以给予服务使用者更好的投资回报率,来吸引更多的用户与内容,也允许它通过更大的时间块赚取更少的费用。He talked about how the soon-to-be-introduced MSN online service would best America Online.

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因努伊特文化可以和iPod、MSN和快餐食品并存,但是逃不过全球的气候变化。Inuit culture can survive alongside iPods, MSN and fast food but not against climate change.

或将您的头像作为手机壁纸或MSN的个人资料图片,只需点击几次。Or set your avatar up as the handset wallpaper or MSN profile picture with just a few clicks.

如果MSN的连接选项不起作用,那么就在用户设置页面转换成HTTP。If the connection options for MSN aren't working, switch to HTTP in the account settings page.