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奥巴马一样会动摇。Like Mr Obama, he will vacillate.

有时你一定会犹豫…You are bound to vacillate at times.

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有时你肯定还是会犹豫不决。You are bound to vacillate at times.

我们也会有犹豫不决、迟疑,甚至跌倒的时候。We, too, may vacillate or hesitate, even trip.

他或她在每个小的决定上不能有半点犹豫。He or she cannot vacillate over every tiny decision.

地震使整个房子摇晃起来。The earthquake caused the entire house to vacillate.

你能说服任何人任何事。Your emotional state will vacillate You can convince anyone of anything.

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当他们压力过大时,你是可以辨别出来的,因为他们会支支吾吾、犹豫不决。You can tell when they're stressed out, they'll equivocate and vacillate.

你可能要权衡不同的选择,在是与否、做与不做之间摇摆不定。You may vacillate between yes and no, go and no-go while you weigh different options.

他们可能会踌躇,并且在否认与接受之间犹豫,这很普通。They may dither, and vacillate between denial and acceptance, and this is quite common.

经济学家的观点存在如此大的分歧,难怪政策制定者缺乏信心、摇摆不定。With so much disagreement it is no surprise that policymakers are unsure and vacillate.

其中有些人还有怀疑,还没有站稳脚跟,一遇风浪就会左右摇摆。Some of them still have doubts, their stand is not yet firm and they vacillate in moments of stress.

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台风一刮,动摇分子挡不住,就要摇摆,这是规律。When a typhoon strikes, the wavering elements who cannot withstand it begin to vacillate. That's a law.

确实就是在这里,我们对于解释的强调,应该平衡,摇摆,浮动。And it is here precisely that the accentuation of our interpretation should balance, oscillate, vacillate.

但是在那样的时刻,人们所见到的事都是在瞬息万变之中,注意力不会停留在某一件事物上。But in moments like this, the things which one sees vacillate and are precipitated, and one pauses for nothing.

又由于中国民族资产阶级在经济上、政治上的软弱性,在另一种历史环境下,它就会动摇变节。In other historical circumstances, the Chinese national bourgeoisie will vacillate and defect because of its economic and political flabbiness.

由于中国民族资产阶级在经济上、治上的软弱性,在另一种历史环境下,它就会动摇变节。In other historical circumstances, the Chinese national bourgeoisie will vacillate and defect because of its economic and political flabbiness.

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中国对待外来事物和外国人的态度似乎总是在喜欢和不喜欢、舒服和不舒服、崇拜和蔑视的循环中摇摆往复。Attitudes towards foreign things and foreign people in China seem to vacillate in cyclical waves of favor and disfavor, comfort and discomfort, worship and disdain.

对这些处于初创期、公司的用户黏性还不大的企业来说,网站瘫痪的损失极易动摇他们的信心。Was in the newly established time, company's user stickiness also not big enterprise to these, the website paralysis's loss was extremely easy to vacillate their confidence.

我们不会为自己的做法道歉,更不会动摇捍卫和平的决心,对于那些崇尚恐怖、滥杀无辜的人,我们的精神是强大而不可战胜的。We for our procedure apology, will not vacillate guard peace the determination, regarding these advocation terror, will slaughter innocents the human, our spirit will be formidable and invincible.