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切碎机枪手!The Chopper Gunner!

反恐组的支援直升机从空中飞过,抵达了现场。The CTU chopper arrives overhead.

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开始全弹发射!Chopper Commencing full rocket fire!

建立一个菜刀的周围,当然!Build a chopper around it, of course!

这是一架隐形版本的黑鹰UH-60直升机。This is a UH-60 Ghosthawk stealth chopper.

反恐组派来的直升机降落,来接载泰瑞和金姆。The CTU chopper lands to pick up Teri and Kim.

他们一家人登上了直升机,飞向安全地点。They all board the chopper en route to safety.

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VX机甲是非常轻装甲的变形体。The Chopper VX is a very lightly armored Transformer.

我们用斧头一敲就打开了板条箱。We broke open the crate with a blow from the chopper.

他用他的利刃从荆棘中为我们开辟出一条道路。He hewed our way through the brambles with his sharp chopper.

“这就是为什麽它也被称为”直升机自行车“或”肌肉车。That's why it's also called a "chopper bike" or a muscle bike.

他们是为了那些无人机回过来追我们的吗?还是甚麽…?Chopper Are they here to get back at us for those drones , or what?

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在穿过森林的路上,他用砍刀开出一条小径。He hacked open a path with a chopper on the way through the forest.

然后,15岁时,麦卡尼来到好莱坞小式牛刀。Then, 15 years old, McCartney arrived in a small Hollywood-style chopper.

从直升机四散而出的士兵都穿着希腊军服。The soldiers who spilled out of the chopper were wearing Greek Army uniforms.

而采用交流斩波器进行调压能够解决上述问题,这也是本文所要研究的重点。AC chopper can solve these problems, and this is also the focus of this paper.

蜡烛点燃时你该上床睡觉去,当心刀斧要你的命。Her comes a candle to light you to bed, Here comes a chopper to chop off your head.

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斩波器是实现脉冲电流电解加工的有效方法之一。Chopper is one of the effective devices for pulse current electrochemical machining.

任何一方的产出可以用,这取决于什么权力菜刀需要看到的。Either of the outputs can be used, depending on what the power chopper needs to see.

蜡烛点燃时你该上床睡觉去,当心刀斧要你的命。Here comes a candle to light you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head.