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这是一个怪想法。It is an unearthly idea.

在更远、远离尘世的高处And further still at an unearthly height

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我神秘的饥饿提请我离开你。My unearthly hunger drew me away from you.

谁在这个荒唐的时刻打电话给我?Who is calling me up at this unearthly hour?

你为什麽在这个鬼时候叫醒我?Why do you wake me up at this unearthly hour?

我叫,“看在上帝的面上,不要这么瞪着眼,好像是你看见了鬼似的。”I cried, `don't, for God's sake, stare as if you saw an unearthly vision.'

他听说后,他没有感觉超自然的哭,再比以前更接近。He heard that unearthly cry upon his failing sense, again and nearer than before.

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他是想像力丰富的科幻小说家,擅长创造一些怪异的构想。He is an imaginative science fiction writer who is good at producing unearthly ideas.

像本布尔本山的白色方石一样,湖中也会涌出仙军。Out of this lake, as from the white square stone in Ben Bulben, issues an unearthly troop.

单身的蝎子们会开始寻找非常规爱情的旅程,这种爱情不会持续太久。The single ones will go for a journey in search of unearthly love, which will not last long.

当她设置了她邪恶的咒语在磨工的女儿,她发光与精神的光。She was glowing with an unearthly light as she set her evil spell upon the miller's daughter.

噢!真希望你能感受到我此时的快乐,我真的能理解他们的心境啊!Oh, if you only knew what unearthly happiness my soul feels now from being able to understand them!

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我用大喇叭跟大家喊完话之后,我发现我的脑袋在这不真实的一刻一片空白。Taking over the loud speaker from Queen, I realised that my mind was a blank at the unearthly hour.

他那双苍白的汗涔涔的手能拿起小提琴来拉两下音乐,倒是大有无师自通而且不同凡响的意味。His white moist hands could draw from a violin music that had in it something unearthly and untaught.

突然钟声响了,这是一种稀奇古怪、绝非人世的曲调,我仿佛被带到了中亚的大草原上。Suddenly bells begin to toll, a weird, unearthly music, as if I had be translated to the steppes of Central Asia.

他充满深深的情感,这把他塑造成一个超然出尘的、特别的、单纯的、童心未泯而又聪慧绝伦的迈克尔·杰克逊。He is filled with deep emotions that create an unearthly , special, innocent, childlike, wise man that is Michael Jackson.

当他们进入圈子中央的时候,强盗们才借着火光看清楚那年轻女子和达伏拉西奥都面无人色。As they entered the circle, the bandits could perceive, by the firelight, the unearthly pallor of the young GIRL and of Diavolaccio.

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因此他同时也表达了摆脱束缚,挣脱世俗,追求自由的精神境界和宁静的人生归宿的强烈要求。Despite his negative attitude towards love and marriage , he pursued spiritual freedom and an unearthly destination for life voyage.

一张古琴如一位出尘飘逸的老友端坐在工作室的正中,林曦说,“它是主人,我们是客”。An ancient zither is like an unearthly elegant bosom friend sitting in your studio. Lin Xi told us that "he is the master, and we are guests".

宇宙深不可测。爱情比宇宙更有城府的地方在于你看不到它的深不可测。The universe is immeasurable abstruseness. Love has a unearthly facet from the universe is to lie in your blind its immeasurable abstruseness.