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这是优惠价。This is the preferential price.

您能得到优惠价。You can get a preferential price.

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这已经是优惠价了。It have is the preferential price.

我们能给投资者优惠的待遇。We can provide preferential treatment to investor.

大名政策优惠,环境宽松。Name preferential policies, the environment relaxed.

你能告诉我有什么优惠待遇吗?。Can you tell me what preferential treatment is provided?

我们能在货物装运到美国时获得优惠税率。We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to U.S.A.

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成为会员后,你的朋友来店同样可享受会员待遇。Member's friends may enjoy the member preferential benefit.

这意味着不存在优先股和风险投资。That means no preferential shares and no venture investors.

凭这张优惠票,你可以坐头等舱旅行。This preferential ticket entitles you to travel first class.

凭这张优惠票,你可以坐头等舱旅行。This preferential ticket entitles you to travel first-class.

通过华交会网站预定将享受比订房中心更优惠价格。Reserve via ECF official website to enjoy preferential price.

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土壤优先水流是非平衡管道流。Soil preferential flow is the non-equilibrium channeling flow.

入驻企业享受大连花园口工业园区优惠政策。Enterprises in the park enjoy preferential policies of the park.

谷酰胺可能是比氨还要合适的底物。Glutamine rather than ammonia may be the preferential substrate.

我不希望任何优惠待遇,因为我的残疾。I don't want any preferential treatment because of my disability.

有需要特殊优惠待遇的,我们也可以考虑。Special preferential demands are also open to talking, " He said."

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会员的优惠政策在本店举办的各类活动中有效,即可以折上折。Member's preferential policy in each kind of activity is effective.

此产品为新的艺术立体画,非常时尚,价格优惠。It is a new and fashionable artistic stereo with preferential price.

淡蓝色和绿色都不具有威胁性,是不错的选择。Non-threatening colors like light blues and greens are preferential.