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边锋/攻击型中场,19岁,巴塞尔Winger or attacking midfielder, 19, Basel

巴塞尔镇距离酒店仅有200米。Basel Town is just 200 meters from our hotel.

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呃,那么巴塞尔公约III是什么,又为什么这么重要呢?OK, so what's Basel III, and why is it so important?

而且你恐怕也从来没听过什么叫巴塞尔公约III。And you've quite possibly never even heard of Basel III.

并且他们也没有像斯托克城一样采用身体力量流的打法。And unlike Stoke, Basel did it without using a physical style.

艺术爱好者们从巴塞尔艺术博览会浩浩荡荡地来到了卡塞尔。The art crowd arrived in Kassel coming from the Basel Artfair.

不久,萨文黎从巴塞尔被召去从事他一生的工作。Zwingli was soon called from Basel to enter upon his lifework.

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巴塞尔III协议对这种行为几乎毫无提及。The practice was left nearly untouched by the Basel III agreement.

巴塞尔累计降雪量达53厘米,仅次于1935年的59厘米。Basel accumulated snow reached 53 centimeters, 59 centimeters after 1935.

巴塞尔是瑞士的一个城市,国际清算银行就在那里Basel is a city in Switzerland, where the Bank for International Settlements is.

还会讲到银行监管,比如巴塞尔协议和新巴塞尔协议It's also about bank regulation, such as the Basel Accord, Basel I and Basel II.

美国在1989年采纳了巴塞尔要求,而且他们直到今天还在执行着The U.S. adopted the Basel requirements in 1989 and they're still enforced today.

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988年签订了巴塞尔协议,你们可以在法博齐的书中读到详细的内容The Basel Accord was in 1988 and you can read about this in detail in Fabozzi, et al.

在巴塞尔时我曾和伊迪丝谈了关于你对她献热情的事。While at Basel I had some conversation with Edith in regard to your attentions to her.

美国银行也会因为巴塞尔公约III中的一级资本条款受到别样的打击。U.S. banks would take their own hits from the proposed Tier 1 capital rules in Basel III.

德约科维奇在由于背伤停赛长达6周后,于本周整装待发重回巴塞尔。Djokovic is returning to action this week in Basel following a six-week back injury lay off.

从某种程度上讲,次贷危机就是新巴塞尔协议的一次失败,该协议甚至还没有正式生效To some extent, the subprime crisis is a failure of Basel II, which is not even fully born yet.

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在上半场维尔贝克的两个进球让巴塞尔在中场休息时以两球落后。Basel trailed 2-0 at halftime thanks to two Danny Welbeck strikes in as many first-half minutes.

个人电脑回收公司支持巴塞尔行动网络,该网络旨在限制有害的废品和技术。PC Recycler supports the Basel Action Network, which seeks to limit harmful waste and technology.

在本周末全球首要央行官员在巴塞尔的会议上,邃密心研究这些数据。The figures will also be carefully studied when leading central bankers meet in Basel this weekend.