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我几乎要跟妈妈相骂了。I almost stormed at mamma.

妈妈咪呀!我表现出来了吗?。Mamma Mia! does it show again?

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里欧妈妈会喜欢安娜吗?Mamma sarà come Anna in Europa?

妈妈从来没有告诉过我说我有一个父亲。Mamma never told me I had a father.

妈妈,那我就到苏珊·哈帕家去住。Then I'll stay with Susy Harper, mamma.

妈妈我不再害怕当你和我在一起。Mamma non ho più paura quando sei con me.

2008年佩胡安-帕布鲁-打在妈妈咪呀!In 2008 Juan Pablo played Petros in MAMMA MIA!

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妈妈总是那样的,整个整个下午都那样。That's as mamma used to do, whole afternoons together.

有一天,爸爸妈妈都出门去了,只剩我一个人在家。One day, mamma and dad went out, leaving me alone at home.

我跟妈妈和别的姐姐们讲的时候,你都不在场。You were not by, when I told mamma and the others all about it.

如果真有什么全球文化的话,妈妈咪呀无疑就是一个。If there is such a thing as global culture, Mamma Mia! must be it.

“我要回答是的么,妈妈?”小露西靠近她,低声问。Do I say yes, mamma?' whispered little Lucie, drawing close to her.

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妈妈还说过,到了树枝礼拜日那天,还要带我们去找些祝福过的黄杨枝呢。Mamma told us that she would take us to get a blessed spray on Palm Sunday.

荷文版也在荷兰均有著白金唱片的好成绩。Dutch-language Cast Recording has gone Platinum in The Netherlands. The MAMMA MIA!

都宾年纪太轻,还不能成家,所以写信回家请示他妈妈去了。Dobbin was too young to keep house, and had written home to ask leave of his mamma.

如果你想把音乐剧带到中国你需要将它本地化。“If you want to bring a musical to China you have to localise it, but the Mamma Mia!

黄昏时分,塞萨伊的尸体被安放在丈夫的房间里。The body of Mamma Sessay is laid out in her husband's home on the evening ofher death.

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将妈妈咪呀翻译成中文就是为了开始弥合这种隔阂。Translating Mamma Mia! into Mandarin is meant to start the long process of bridging that gap.

不过,大夫,您应该比俗人站得高些,特别是因为您不肯收,就深深伤了我和妈妈的心。But, doctor, rise superior to the crowd, especially as you will wound mamma and me by refusing it.

我喜欢这个点子,感觉好祥和哦。喂,妈妈咪呀,我们可以试试松针和枫糖浆啊!I love that idea. It just Seems so peaceful. Hey Mamma Mia, we could use pine needles and maple syrup!