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销售额的突然增加是很容易理解的。The sudden increase in sales is easily explicable.

我国消费率合理性的评判标准——钱纳里模型能解释吗?。Is China's Consumption Rate Explicable by Chenery's Model?

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从常规经济来讲,中国的经济成功是可以解释的。China's economic success is explicable by normal economics.

基于同样的理由,统一的教学方法和课程也就不难解释了。On the same basis is explicable the uniformity of method and curriculum.

现今的人口分布是只能根据过去的情况去被解释。Present population distribution is explicable only in terms of the past.

实验结果与其他方法相比更具有可解释性。Compared with the results of other methods, the result is more explicable.

格局的形成单位统计调查的解释由下面的例子。The pattern of formation of unit HEs is explicable by the following example.

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在这样一个无所不包且能完全得出解释的宇宙,上帝的位置又在哪里?In such an all-encompassing and fully explicable cosmos, then, what place for God?

甚至对于精神现象,人们也做出假定说,它们最终可以根据物质性的大脑得到解释。Even mental phenomena are assumed to be ultimately explicable in terms of the physical brain.

而我们大家都采取了这个更难理解的步骤——在广场饭店租用了一间套房的客厅。And we all took the less explicable step of engaging the parlor of a suite in the Plaza Hotel.

因此,如果依据主要由经济因素组成的基础结构,则社会的多样性是可以解释的。Social diversity is thus explicable in terms of an underlying structure consisting largely of economic factors.

那些孩子成绩方面的差异不能完全从社会背景来解释。The differences in the children's achievements were not wholly explicable in terms of their social backgrounds.

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本定义包容了传统的等高线定义并可解释制图综合规律。This generalized definition includes traditional definition of contour and is explicable the law of cartographic generalization.

因此,最近的失误几乎都是将本拉登称为“Obama",这能用”同化“的理论得以很好解释。The recent mistakes, therefore, being almost entirely examples of calling bin Laden "Obama," may well be explicable as examples of assimilation.

目前的研究阶段正提醒我们,在当地气候真得变成一翻两瞪眼之前,我们还有多少问题需要追寻。The details, though, remain obscure—which serves as a reminder of just how much remains to be found out before even the local climate truly becomes explicable.

相比之下,我们这台堪称突破的新机器却受制于一般在分子、原子和亚原子微粒世界兴风作浪的量子力学,只有用这种奇异的机制才能解释它的运作机理。In contrast, the new gizmo jiggles in ways explicable only by the weird rules of quantum mechanics, which ordinarily govern molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles.

的确在物理词条中我们可以找到万事万物的解释说明,但是没有人尝试找寻出,在这些真实实验的过程中,当我们在思考的时候,人类的大脑究竟发生了什么。Sure, there we might find that everything is explicable in physical terms but nobody's ever tried to do any so realistic experiment on what's actually going on in a human brain when we think.

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然而,功利主义者却就此做出了狂热而细致的努力,以表明将惩罚限于那些故意违法者可以从纯功利的角度得到解释。But Utilitarians have made strenuous, detailed efforts to show that restriction of the use of punishment to those who have voluntarily broken the law is explicable on purely utilitarian lines.