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宇宙暴胀理论的唯象描述。A Phenomenological Theory of Cosmic Inflation.

而我们则打一开始就面临着一个现象学的问题。We face at the start a phenomenological problem.

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物质经角质层转运的唯象分析。Phenomenological analysis of mass transport through Stratum Corneum.

提出了唯象的各向异性磁畴旋转模型。A phenomenological anisotropic domain rotation model has been proposed.

本论文的目标在于反驳此种对事物的本质主义观。The purpose of this thesis is to refute his phenomenological essentialism.

莫里茨·盖格尔运用现象学的方法建立了价值论美学。By using phenomenological method, Moritz Geiger found axiological aesthetics.

论文的第一部分,主要论述了舍勒对于人格的现象学本质的思考。In the first part I mainly discuss the phenomenological essence of the person.

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这也是一个鼓励业余爱好者深思的现象层。It is also a phenomenological layers which encourage dilettante contemplation.

阐明了等效地使用唯象普遍边界条件的可能性。The validity of the general phenomenological boundary condition is elucidated.

尽管MOND相当成功,但它目前也还只是有限的现象学理论。Successful as it may be, MOND is, at the moment, a limited phenomenological theory.

舍勒对羞感进行了丝丝入扣的现象学分析。Scheler puts a phenomenological analysis with meticulous care on the sense of shame.

本研究采取现象学质化分析的方法,进行深度访谈与资料分析。A phenomenological qualitative research method with in-depth interviews was employed.

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本文旨在探讨现象学心理学在胡塞尔思想中所扮演的角色。The pa-per explores the role of phenomenological psychology in Edmund Husserl's method.

范梅南是北美现象学教育学的主要代表人物。Max van Manen is the major representative of phenomenological pedagogy in North America.

广而言之,所有人类经验都能成为现象学研究的焦点。In a broad sense, any human experience may become the focus of phenomenological research.

这个现象的事实是一个共同的事实。它甚至是人类经验的习惯性文本。The phenomenological fact is a common one, it is even the habitual text of human experience.

中国地震研究的思想基础是唯象学的,以实用性为主导。China's seismic research is rooted in phenomenological thought and dominate by practicability.

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现代意义上的解释学则源于胡塞尔和他的现象学方法。The story of modern hermeneutics begins with Edmund Husserl and his phenomenological approach.

然后根据熵产率,分析体系中的能量耗散和此时的唯象理论。Then the energy loss and phenomenological theory are analyzed based on the entropy production.

这一方法易于推广到相对论性唯象动力学方程。This method can be easily generalized to relativistically phenomenological dynamical equation.