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我们应该排除逻辑中的错误。We should winnow out the errors in logic.

贡井到簸米湾坐几路车?Gongjing to winnow rice Bay take a few road cars?

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我们要簸出,惩治那些愚蠢的想法。We have to winnow out and punish these foolish ideas.

簸谷机产生人工风以掮掉米糠。The fan produces an artificial wind to winnow the grain.

今晚,我们精选了100句电影台词,逐一展示,直到排名第一得台词。And tonight, we winnow them down to 100, and finally to number one.

和先辈一样,提提卡卡湖附近的女性还是用手扬谷子。Like their ancestors, women winnow grain by hand near Lake Titicaca.

你今天下午把这篇文章中不精确的内容删掉。You should winnow out the inaccuracies of this paper this afternoon.

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这个新的X奖项的设定目的是对基因进行筛选。The new X prize is designed to winnow the genetic wheat from the chaff.

用户的收获是一大群潜在的伴侣和各种各样把他们筛选出来的工具的双重好处。Users get the benefits both of a big pool of potential partners and various tools to winnow them.

但是民意调查确实挑选出了一些人,像波伦蒂先生,他把他的竞争赌在有力的表现上。But the straw poll does winnow out people like Mr Pawlenty, who staked his campaign on a strong showing.

委员会若要取得成果,需要摈除不着边际的观点,提出更实际的建议。The committee will need to winnow out the nonsense and produce more practical proposals if it is to achieve results.

目的优选并确立金钱草总黄酮的最佳超声提取条件。Objective To winnow and establish the optimal condition for ultrasonic extraction of total flavone from christina loosestrife herb.

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为了减少所最强的候选人,他们试图揭露这些细菌究竟应该已经远远有毒物质,抗生素。To winnow down the strongest candidates, they tried exposing these bacteria to what should have been far more toxic substances, antibiotics.

由于配额和实际申请之间的巨大差距,移民局官员只得采用随机抽取的方法来筛选众多的申请。Due to the huge gap between the quota and actual applications, immigration officers had to hold a random drawing to winnow down the applications.

采用扬乳和搅拌的方法,比较了两种生产牦牛奶皮子的制作工艺,并对所生产的奶皮子进行了指标的测定。Both manufactural technology of urum of yaks were compared by means of winnow milk and churning, and the part of nutrition components in urum were analyzed.

为了将这个定义化约成考古学者趁手的研究工具,许多专家设计了一张清单,列举了足以区别欧洲旧石器时代中期与晚期的行为特徵。To winnow the definition into something more useful to archaeologists, many workers employ the list of behavioral traits that distinguish the Middle and Upper Paleolithic in Europe.

同样随着时间变化,经济领域中也发生着自然选择,即市场决定着哪些企业可以盈利,哪些不能,并渐渐把后者淘汰出局。And over time, the economic analogue of natural selection operates as the market determines which firms are profitable and which are unprofitable, and tends to winnow out the latter.

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各个机构在处理自己内部不同声音的时候显得惶恐不安,它没能在谈话中把人们的声音过滤成同一个声音,这正是机构没能做到效力最大化的体现。The trepidation with which institutions treat bloggers within their own ranks is a reflection of institutional inability to winnow itself down to a single voice, engaged in conversation.

马凯指出,中共当局在前两年景气过热时整顿出口的用意,是藉此汰弱扶强。Ma points out that the intent of the PRC authorities in reorganizing the export industry when things were over-heating two years ago was to winnow out weak firms, leaving only the strong behind.