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他们同意经仲裁解决争端。They agreed to arbitrate dispute.

得有一个人在他们当中进行仲裁。Someone must arbitrate between them.

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他们同意经仲裁解决争端。They agreed to arbitrate their dispute.

我想谈谈我对这件事的看法。I should like to arbitrate on this matter.

协调水事纠纷。to coordinate and arbitrate water disputes.

得有人为对立的两方进行仲裁。Someone must arbitrate between opposing parties.

保罗不会继承替他们的吵架做和事佬吧。Paul will not continue to arbitrate their arguments.

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已经请了史密斯先生来仲裁雇主与工人之间的纷争。Mr. Smith has been asked to arbitrate between the employers and their workers.

这麽说来,你、我及第三者都不能决定辩论谁是谁非、谁对谁错。Like this, the three, you, I, and the third can't arbitrate the right and wrong in debate.

字典也可以仲裁拼字游戏或午夜谈话中出现的争执。Dictionaries also can arbitrate disputes that arise during a game of Scrabble or late-night conversations.

令牌总线使用了物理总线拓扑结构,但同时也有一个令牌传递方案,用来判决每台计算机对总线的访问权限。Token Bus uses a physical bus topology, but also uses a token-passing scheme to arbitrate access to the bus.

在这里输入译文前端总线被所有的代理人共享,这些代理人在开始一个执行命令之前必有先判定该命令是否为总线下达的。The front bus is shared by all agents, who must arbitrate for bus ownership before they can start a transaction.

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仲裁协议包括合同中订立的仲裁条款或者以其他书面方式订立的仲裁协议。An arbitration agreement includes an arbitration clause in a contract or any other written agreement to arbitrate.

使用全虚拟化,在虚拟化的操作系统和硬件之间存在一个层,用于决定访问。With full virtualization, a layer exists between the virtualized operating systems and the hardware as a way to arbitrate access.

或许你会发现自己置身僵局,唯一的解决的希望是来自外部,它能为你做出公断。You may find yourself in a deadlocked situation with the only hope of resolution coming from an outside source who can arbitrate.

你希望把对立的阵营聚集在一起,以公正平等为出发点进行劝解与裁决,或是寻找一种满意折中的方法。You are expected to bring opposing factions together, counsel or arbitrate on a fair and equal basis, or seek a satisfactory compromise.

你看着,那些提出公断的国家是那些认为自己掌管世界的国家,正是在游戏中改变最大的国家。You watch -- the nations that offer to arbitrate are the ones that think they should rule the world, and this is just one more move in the game.

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他们专业过硬,能够裁决来自医疗设备质检方面的案件。They are professionally competent, and in a position to arbitrate that sort of cases arising from the quality inspection of the medical equipment.

裁决的事项不属于仲裁协议的范围或者仲裁机构无权仲裁的。The matters dealt with by the award fall outside the scope of the arbitration agreement or which the arbitral organ was not empowered to arbitrate.

但当今的趋势是在某些特殊的情况下,仲裁协议对协议的未签字方也有效。Recent tendency shows those non-signatories not only can be bound by an arbitration agreement, but can be compelled to arbitrate based on the agreement.