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对大豆蚜的空间分布型进行了研究。The spatial distribution of Aphis glycines was studied.

有翅蚜在各处理间的数量差异都未达到显著水平。The winged aphis also have no significant difference in all nitrogen area.

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该研究结果为枸杞蚜虫的预测预报和田间防治提供了科学依据。The studied result offered scientific base for forecasting and prevention of Aphis sp. in field.

我曾见到小的群体在其它任何地方的高密度蚜群被真菌杀死的同时差不多也被杀死了。I have seen small population almost wiped out by fungus at the same time as dense aphis populations elsewhere.

通过研究,证实了掌叶半夏蛋白对同翅目类的害虫如豆蚜具有抗性。Through the research, confirmed that PPA can confer strong resistance to Homoptera insects, such as Aphis craccivora.

对木槿上棉蚜及其捕食性天敌群落动态进行了研究。An investigation was made in community dynamics of Aphis gossypii and its predatory enemy on Hibiscus Syracuse plants.

动植物卫生检验局的研究员罗斯指出,该机构也开始草拟运输及释放家畜害虫的管理条例。The service is also drafting rules governing the transportation and release of livestock pests, APHIS scientist Bob Rose says.

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这个问题的部分原因是APHIS要花大量时间和资金才能完成一项环境影响研究。Part of the problem in all this is that it takes APHIS a long time and a lot of money to complete an environmental impact study.

克利福德说,动植物卫生检验局目前正在进行称之为免疫组织化学的第三种检测,计划在今后几天内公布结果。APHIS is doing a third type of test, known as immunohistochemistry, and plans to release those results within days, Clifford said.

生草果园天敌对主要害虫绣线菊蚜和山楂叶螨在时间维度上有较强的追随效应和控制作用。They had strong pursuing and control effect to Aphis citricola Van der Goot and Tetranychus viennensis Zacher from time dimension.

试验研究了大豆植株形态对大豆蚜的寄生和天敌捕食的影响。The dynamics of the soybean aphid Aphis glycines, fed on glabrous soybean and the pubescent soybean plant, was observed in the laboratory.

应用地学统计学的原理和方法研究了不同时期棉蚜及龟纹瓢虫种群的空间结构和空间相关性。The spatial construction and distribution of Aphis gossypii and Propylaca japonica at different period were investigated with geostatistics.

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我知道检测局已制定出一套战略计划,以最大限度地减小锈菌对美国大豆生产的影响,“信中说。”"I am aware that APHIS has developed a strategic plan to minimize the impact of this disease on U. S. soybean production, " the letter read.

但是,这一时间在很大程度上取决于检动植物检验局给出的虫害风险评估报告。However, the date depends in large part on APHIS concluding its pest risk assessment report, and there is no definitive date for that report.

田间小区试验测定了白僵菌对大豆蚜的感染率、寄生速率和防效。The infected ratio, parasitical rate and central effect of Beauveria bassiana on Soybean aphis were measured though the field plot experiments.

“动植物检验局的专家们很快将返回实验室,接着将前往田间,另一个小组已决定去巴西做更多的研究工作”,海克说。" APHIS scientists will soon be back in the lab and out into the field, and a team is scheduled to go to Brazil to do more research, " Heck said.

美国动植物检疫局试图建立要求,使出口商和进口商以多种方法减低来自中国木质包装带来的风险。APHIS attempted to set requirements that allowed exporters and importers to mitigate the risks associated with SWPM from China in a variety of ways.

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在室内和田间测定了6种杀虫剂对绣线菊蚜及其天敌种群的选择性。Sensitivity and selectivity of 6 kinds of pesticides to Aphis citricola Van der Goot and their natural enemies were determined indoor and in the field.

该研究为小麦蚜虫的综合治理及麦田昆虫群落的研究提供了科学的理论依据。In addition, this investigation provided the scientific theoretic bases for IPM to the wheat aphis and the other insects' population study of wheat field.

野生动物服务是动植物卫生检疫局的一部分。动植物卫生检疫局为人们提供一些驱赶肉食动物的建议。The wildlife Service program is a part of the Animals and Plant Health Inspection Services or APHIS. APHIS offers some suggestions of keep away predators.