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这大油哈喇了。The lard has gone rancid.

用猪油调制去骨鸡。Lard the boned chicken with pig fat.

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所以,我们总是死乞白赖地讨猪油。Therefore, we always pester for lard.

那么,那句关于猪油的报道的事实依据是什么?So where did that line about lard come from?

涂油于在……上涂猪油或类似的脂肪收藏。To cover or coat with lard or a similar fat.

她喜欢在鸡肉里加点腌猪肉。She likes to lard the chicken with some bacon.

猪油可以炼成油,用来炒菜。Lard can be rendered down and used for cooking.

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烤狗得不到猪油。Anyhow you roast a dog, you get no lard from it.

美国的方法是间或的给这个产业一些补贴。America's solution is to lard the industry with money.

黄油、菜油或猪油是普遍使用的油脂。Butter, vegetable oils, or lard are commonly used fats.

用热水将剩余猪油完全化开。Completely dissolve the remaining lard in the hot water.

“猪油神功。”沈才华回答。"Lard absolute being achievement. "Artistic talent answers.

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从无梗五加中提取的粗黄酮对猪油有明显的抗氧化作用。The extracts of flavonoids exhibit strong antioxidant activity on lard.

让事情更糟的是,他们日常食用的食品都被猪油煎炸过。To make matters worse, they subsist on a diet heavy in foods fried in lard.

它是在宫廷点心“猪油饽饽”的基础上改制的。It is a dim sum palace in the "lard cake" on the basis of the restructuring.

“我们有你这样的好人,坚持要给他判刑,”拉德笑着说。"We had your good old boys who wanted to stick it to him, " Lard says, laughing.

对新型发酵消沫剂——液态猪油的分离进行了研究分析。This paper describes the separation process of a new fermentation defoamer lard oil.

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爷爷去世前约摸一个月左右,奶奶使劲往爷爷脊背上涂猪油。About a month before he died, my grandmother covered my grandfather's back with lard.

铸造缺陷、杂质元素偏聚和夹杂物的存在是形成早期裂纹源的原因。Reasons of forming first cracks were foundry lacuna , impurity gathering, lard exiting.

浴缸里盛着凝固的猪油,埋住一只站在里面的小猪标本的四条腿。A piglet specimen standing in a bathtub, whose four legs are covered by the caky lard in it.