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毕业典礼上有人哭吗?Did anyone cry in the commencement?

毕业典礼在豪华的大厅举行。The commencement was held in the grand hall.

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然后就去看毕业典礼到底是啥意思啊。Then I went to look up what commencement meant.

校歌响起,标志着第131届毕业典礼正式开始。This marked the beginning of the 131st commencement.

春天来临时种子开始发芽。Seeds begin to burgeon at the commencement of spring.

第三部分,上诉审程序启动论。Part three, the commencement of the civil appellate procedure.

请注明整项项目的开始及完成日期。Please specify commencement and completion date for the project.

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秋尽冬来,一个提神醒脑的日子就这样欢欢喜喜地开始了。This was the glad commencement of a bracing day in early winter.

每次获邀在典礼上致词,总免不了有一些招摇撞骗的感觉。Each time I give a commencement speech I feel like a bit of a fraud.

保险责任的起讫期限是多长?How long in the period from the commencement to termination of insurance?

保险责任起至期限多长?How long is the period form the commencement to termination of insurance.

保险责任的起讫期限是多长?。How long is the period from the commencement to termination of insurance?

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德阳在唐朝时期建立,到现在已经有1300年的历史。This is the genuine commencement of Deyang's over 1,300 years of history.

还有一个办法就是在毕业典礼上放电影。Another option would be to show movies during the commencement ceremonies.

各课程的截止报名日期为开课前的五日。Enrolment deadline is 5 calendar days before the course commencement date.

1984年春天,玛丽•葛罗达在俄勒冈市作毕业庆典发言。In the spring of 1984 in Oregon, Mary Groda gave a speech at commencement.

杏声悠扬美妙的歌声为典礼揭开序幕。SingSong chorus's wonderful singing opened the preface of the commencement.

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图为大理至丽江高速公路开工奠基仪式。The photo shows the construction commencement ceremony of the Dali Highway.

我就这么住下了,至少在夜刚来临时,是觉得冷的。Thus lodged, I was not, at least -- at the commencement of the night, cold.

报名表将于来届音乐节开始前销毁。Entry form will be destroyed before the commencement of next Music Festival.