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而老版本浏览器则运行缓慢Crabbed old and modern browsers

我简直无法辨认他那些潦草的字迹。I simply cannot decipher his crabbed handwriting.

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紧紧挤在一起的字斜斜地横在页面上。The tightly packed words crabbed across the page.

从舷侧吹过来的风使船斜行到河岸。Broadside winds crabbed the boat close to the riverbank.

当车拐进一个街角时,这个天使悠闲地闭上眼睛养神。The angel shut his eyes as the car crabbed around a corner.

他成熟的作品一般被认为是触动理智的和难于理解的。His mature compositions are generally considered the more cerebral and crabbed.

他成熟的作品一般被认为拥有更多理智但也难于理解。His mature compositions are generally considered as the more rational and crabbed.

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孩子们尽量避着那个老头,因为他们一吵闹,他就大骂他们。The children avoided the crabbed old man because he scolded them when they made noise.

这些阿拉伯炼金术士难以捉摸、坚韧不拔的实验方法传人基督教世界。The crabbed , patient experimenting of these Arab alchemists spread into the Christian world.

我侧身从屋顶一端走到另一端,划好粉笔线,钉好芳香的摇板。Snapping chalk lines, I crabbed myself from one side of the roof to the other, tacking down the fragrant shakes.

读者不用先费力阅读潦草难认的原文,然后仔细考虑它的意义,他们现在可以一边看书一边流畅地思考。Instead of toiling at a crabbed text and then thinking over its significance, readers now could think unimpeded as they read.

申请表项目填写不完整或字迹潦草视为无效,逾期未入住者房间不予保留。Applications incomplete or crabbed handwriting will not be considered and rooms will not be kept if you can't check in on time.

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酗酒成性、行为乖张的荣子自说自话地住进了难马的公寓。The Rong Zi with excessive drinking by nature, crabbed behavior says to oneself ground occupy the apartment of difficult horse.

以上的松弛煮纱使山羊绒纤维结晶熔融,纱线发生过缩。The crystalline regions of cashmere fiber melt and the yarn supercontracts after the cashmere yarn is crabbed above 130 in relaxed state.

认为,福建齐天大圣信仰,经历了一个从早期的信仰中的“恶神”形象的猿猴,到后来“乖戾神”形象的齐天大圣神转变。King in Fujian Province went through the transformation of the early Ahriman image of the ape to the crabbed deity image of The. Monkey. King.

针对飞翼无人机的特性,利用侧航法和侧滑法设计了侧风着陆控制系统,仿真了系统抗侧风干扰的能力并进行了对比分析。Based on the characteristics of flying wing UAVs, crosswind landing control systems were designed through the crabbed method and the side-slipping method.

这一段描述了Lengel对女孩子的回答尖酸刻薄,这样她就把话题引向了他强调的A&P政策。Instead of including that paragraph, she added one that described Lengel's crabbed response to the girls so that she could lead up to the A&P "policy" he enforces.

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这世界似乎是仪态巨大而可怕的研磨机,一头送进去的东西是新鲜\光亮\纯洁的,另一头出来的确实老迈龙钟\脾气乖戾\满脸皱纹。The world seems a vast horrible grinding machine, into which what is fresh and bright and pure is pushed at one end, to come out old and crabbed and wrinkled at the other.

随着网络的迅速扩展和网络技术的迅速发展,对网络进行安全有效管理日益成为能否对网络资源有效利用和保护的关键所在。With the prevalence and rapid development of network, how to manage the network effectively have become the key factor to make use of and protect net-resource not to be attacked and crabbed.