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你的行为与你的处事原则相差甚远。Your actions contrast unfavourably with your principles.

经常调换教师对教学质量有不利影响。Constant reshuffles of staff bear unfavourably on the quality of teaching.

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第一季度的亏损与去年同期比较差的不愉快的时期。The first quarter losses compare unfavourably with last year's unhappy period.

英国的保育设施与欧洲其他国家比起来相形见绌。Childcare facilities in Britain compare unfavourably with other European countries.

中国发电站的效率远低于其他国家。The efficiency of Chinese power generation compares unfavourably with other countries.

逐个将市场加以比较,如果考虑到其波动性,这些亚洲债券的回报率不如美国国债。Asian bond returns, taken in conjunction with their volatility, compare unfavourably with their US Treasury counterparts, market by market.

本人保证本表格所填写一切均属事实并完整可靠,没有隐瞒对自己求职不利的消息。The statements and information furnished in this form are to the best of my knowledge true and complete. I have not withheld any information that may affect my application unfavourably.

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物质主义也是和自尊的不足,自恋的膨胀,易于和他人攀比,同情心的不足和人际关系中的矛盾息息相关。Materialism is also associated with lower self-esteem, greater narcissism, greater tendency to compare oneself unfavourably with other people, less empathy and more conflict in relationships.

市场经济对高工专教育带来正负面双重影响,高工专教育必须改革,以适应市场经济的需要。Education in higher engineering colleges is favourably and unfavourably influenced by market economy. Hence it must be reformed to accustom itself to the need of the development of market economy.

但,不管有无帮助,都要尽量使各种体形的孩子重视自己的体重,鼓励他们参加“减肥促进健康”活动。But getting children of all sizes to think more about their bodies, not necessarily favourably or unfavourably , makes them much more receptive to campaigns about losing weight and keeping healthy.

城区造成的瓶颈不但使此类措施毫无帮助,对其它措施也产生危害,而且根据综合措施成本还可能会产生更不利的作用。And even this does not help. This means that the urban bottlenecks do harm the effectiveness of the other measures and may work unfavourably in terms of the costs of combined alternative strategies.

斑秃患者由于沉重的心理压力和负担,对于本病的恢复具有重要负面影响,与躯体症状形成交互的恶性循环,因此,加强患者的心理调适对于本病的治疗具有重要意义。Heavy psychological pressure and burden of the patients with tenea decalvans unfavourably influenced the rehabilitation of this disease, resulted in the forming vicious circle with the body symptoms.