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“可是,欧文,你在干什么?”他的老同学问道。But, Owen, what are you about?asked his old schoolfellow.

原来,白鹰与史月儿在国外是同窗。Original, bai Ying and Shi Yueer are in abroad is schoolfellow.

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本次活动的成功主要在于参加同学的热情参与。The successful reason mainly lied in schoolfellow joining for passion.

邵华校友赠书仪式暨舞蹈摄影艺术展览。Ceremony of shao hua schoolfellow presenting books and exhibit of photos on dance.

我们常常请我们这位兼作家兼朋友的同学搭乘我们的马车。We used to give a lift in our carriage to this schoolfellow and author-friend of ours.

本文从物质资源、育人资源二方面就如何加强校友工作为学校建设服务进行分析,旨在推动校友为母校的发展建设服务。This paper has analyzed how to use schoolfellow for serving to their mother school from two aspects such as materials and human education.

校友资源是学校的重要资源,如何发掘并利用好这一资源,已成为新形势下高校工作的一项重要内容。Schoolfellow is a very important source for university. How to make use this source has become a very important task for the university at present.

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同学三年,加之两人道格比罗密欧与朱丽叶简谱力相投,她们俩走到一路,起头爱情瓜葛了。The schoolfellow three years, add on two human of disposition comparisons to be congenial, those two arrive the same place, started the love to relate.

同时,各怀心事的丫鬟杏儿、同窗乔依依、交际花邓嘉文也到189团当护士。In the meantime, the servant girl apricot that conceives worry each, Deng Jiawen of supple, social butterfly also goes to schoolfellow tall 189 groups become a nurse.

为适应社会发展的需要,应该让学校与毕业生、学校与企业、校友与校友、毕业生与企业之间保持密切的联系。In order to meet the needs of social development, schools and graduates, schools and businesses, schoolfellow and schoolfellow, graduates and enterprises should maintain consanguineous contact.