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她是缅甸各族联邦的坚定支持者。She was known as a staunch supporter of federalism in Burma.

他们开口闭口都是联邦制度,满口时髦词汇。Their vocabulary bristles fashionably with talk of federalism.

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邦制印政治体制特征。Federalism is one major characteristic of Indian political system.

为什么很多什叶派支持联邦制度而逊尼派人要求中央集权呢?So why are many Shias for federalism and many Sunnis for centralisation?

然而,联邦制的局限性会妨碍此类的强力措施的执行。However, the limitations of federalism prevent that kind of strong action.

财政联邦主义一直是府际间关系变化最为主要的核心议题。Fiscal federalism has always been the focal point of intergovernmental relations.

第一、二章提供了公共供应和财政联邦主义的理论分析。The first two chapters provided the theories of public provision and fiscal federalism.

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联邦制被想象成是对被战争蹂躏的欧洲的终极答案或许是上个世纪的梦想。Federalism envisaged as the permanent answer to a war-ravaged Europe may be last century's dream.

如果魁独分子在下次魁省大选中获胜,哈帕将采取什么样的措施来维持联邦制度?What kind of champion for federalism will Mr. Harper be if separatists win the next provincial election?

事实上,他的演说可能是今年唯一就联邦体制的动摇这一话题发表看法的。In fact, his may be the only announcement speech this year to offer a view on the wonky topic of federalism.

双轨制是美国法律制度的一个特点,这也许是由美国联邦制所造成的。Duality is the characteristics of the American legal system and it might be resulted from American federalism.

在很大程度上,联邦制在这一层面上的成功来自于州政府的创意与革新。In large part, the success of federalism at this level is a result of the creativity and innovation of the states.

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联邦制的恰当定位是介于完全分离的自治体与高度集权的单一制之间。The proper position of federalism is between the completely separated autonomy and highly centralized unitary system.

本文首先检视财政联邦主义自新政以来在府际关系各个历史阶段的变异。This study examines how the role of fiscal federalism has changed during the various stages of intergovernmental relations.

认为“联邦制”城市图书馆服务体系比“总分馆制”城市公共图书馆服务体系更加适合中国国情。It believed that the federalism is more suitable than main-branch library system contrast to the actual situations of China.

美国联邦制的一个重要安排,是让50个州以州为单位参与总统选举。One important aspect of American federalism is the inclusion of the 50 states, as states, in the selection of the president.

这个进程包括把经济大权下放给超过30个省,培育了一种无法无天联邦制度。Part of this process involved the radical devolution of economic power to over 30 provinces, fostering a kind of anarchic federalism.

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政治运行机制这样的变化,如同美国历史上的历次变化一样,都是来自美国人民的需求所致。S. federalism is taking place. This change, like changes throughout U. S. history, has sprung from the demands of the American people.

采用联邦制的国家结构形式实现民族平等和消灭民族间事实上的不平等。Forth, the government should achieve equality with the federalism. Fifth, government should eradicate the inter-ethnic inequality really.

联邦制国家是一个建立在多元文化基础上的社会,但经济全球化却加剧了联邦制国家多元文化的矛盾冲突。Federalism state is a society built on multi-culture, but economy globalization pricks up the multi-cultural conflicts of Federalism state.