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辛巴有一些朋友。Simba has friends.

辛巴有个家。Simba has a family.

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辛巴有个爸爸。Simba has a father.

辛巴有个妈妈。Simba has a mother.

辛巴有个父亲。Simba has—a father.

辛巴和娜娜在玩。Simba and Nala are playing.

爸爸,爸爸!辛巴有个爸爸。Dad! Dad! Simba has a father.

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妈妈,妈妈!辛巴有个妈妈。Mom, Mom! Simba has a mother.

妈妈,我能跟辛巴去吗?Oh, Mom, can I go with Simba?

彭彭和丁满有个朋友,辛巴。Pumbaa and Timon have—a friend, Simba.

辛巴看了看北边的峡谷。Simba views the rip-rap canyon to the north.

木法沙和辛巴站在圣石上。Mufasa and his son Simba stand on the pride rock.

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辛巴带着娜拉在他称作家的地方四处看看。Simba shows Nala around the place he calls home now.

时间流逝,辛巴长成了一只趾高气昂的小狮子。Time passes, and Simba grows into a cocky young cub.

斯加就图谋杀死辛巴和穆法萨,并把他们带到了一个峡谷。Scar plots to kill Simba and Mufasa, and leads them to a gorge.

我是在2010年4月份访问的重庆,在那里我见到了小星巴。I visited Chongqing in April, 2010, and that is when I met Little Simba.

辛巴是没有存心杀死他,你知道谁想这么干?It's true that Simba didn't intentionally kill him, but you know who did?

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彭彭和丁满将辛巴带到阴凉处,等待着昏迷的小狮子慢慢醒来。Pumbaa and Timon carry Simba to a shady place, and wait until the lion cub comes to.

辛巴,有一天太阳会在这里落下,表示我的统治已经结束,但同时太阳又会在这里升起,欢迎你成为新的国王。One day, Simba , the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king.

辛巴从小就知道自己长大以后要继承父亲穆法沙的王国,成为下一任狮子王。Simba always knew that he was going to succeed his father, Mufasa, as the next Lion King.