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他怀念儿时平静幸福的日子。He yearned for the halcyon days of his childhood.

穿过宁静的水域,你会看见远处丹霞浮水。Cross halcyon water area, you can see swim of far red glow.

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崇尚白色是时尚,人们需要纷乱中的宁静。Advocate white is vogue, people need is involute medium halcyon.

海水那么蓝,使人感到翡翠的颜色太浅。Waters so blue, make the person feels halcyon color too shallow.

谁说九零后的孩子不求上进?Who says the children not far cry from those halcyon inherence. for?

也许这是可悲的成长,快乐,沮丧与救济,噪音与宁静。Maybe this is sad to grow rejoice frustrated with relief noise with halcyon.

这个成语源自古希腊神话中海尔赛妮与刻宇克斯的故事。This term comes from the ancient Greek mythology, the story of Halcyon and Ceyx.

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圣诞节长使波尼怀念她年轻时平静、愉快的日子。The Christmas season always made Bonnie yean for those halcyon days of her youth.

但是,朋友,别忘了守住一颗宁静的心,痛苦将不再有。But, friend, did not forget to defend a halcyon heart, anguish will have no longer.

在平静的六十年代,那就是毕业生焦虑的一切。In the halcyon Sixties, that was the sum total of post-graduation anxiety syndrome.

那么,我只要让自己独自一个人再次去享受这份孤独,这份寂寞,这份宁静。So, if I let yourself alone again to enjoy this lonely, lonely, the report halcyon.

这时正是一天中静谧时刻,晚祷的钟声如同祝福一般落在垂暮的天空。It was that halcyon hour when the Angelus falls like a benediction upon the waning day.

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根据其冬季飞行计划,翠鸟航空每天将运营418个航班。According to its winter flight plans, halcyon aviation everyday operation 418 airliners.

然而,数量自旋的名单中有两个是”哈尔西恩文摘“从Deerhunter,一个乐队,我们从来没有玩过。However, number two on Spin's list is "Halcyon Digest" from Deerhunter, a band we have never played.

军事院校因招收的学生数量多了,质量好了,年头也很好过。The military academies are also enjoying halcyon years, attracting more and better-qualified students.

劳顿一天的你是否也渴望融入这个宁静内敛的理性空间呢?Fatigued one day whether do you also long to blend in this halcyon inside the rational space of collect?

他在九零年代赢了三次欧洲巡?锦标赛的平静无波的日子都已经是很久以前的事情了。It was all a far cry from those halcyon days in 1990, when he won three tournaments on the European tour.

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他把他所知道的生活呈现到了听众的眼前。走私船翠鸟号被缉私船查获时他是船上的水手。He had been a member of the crew of the smuggling schooner Halcyon when she was captured by a revenue cutter.

上世纪70年代,适逢日本平稳扩张期,日元曾一度低至300日元兑1美元。During the halcyon years of Japanese expansion in the 1970s, the yen sometimes traded as low as 300 to the dollar.

小鸟会飞了,站在巢边,拍着翅膀想往外飞,翠鸟更怕它们跌死。Birdie can fly, stand in Chao Bian, patting wing to want to fly outside, halcyon more be afraid that they drop dead.