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剩余的时间是可以测量的。The remnant time was measurable.

它确实会起作用,它是可以测量的。Well it matters. It's measurable.

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我们期望他们做出适当的成果。We expect them to produce measurable results.

软件缺乏一个可度量的标准单位。Software lacks a measurable standard unit of work.

注意每一个成就都是可以衡量的。Note that each of these achievements is measurable.

在其中,所有参量都是可测量的。Allthe parameters in them are measurable quantities.

那是因为传授技巧是有形的可度量的。That's because passing skills are tangible and measurable.

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这些活动的目标必须清楚而且是可度量的。The goals of these actions should be clear and measurable.

为此,国有经济必须保持一适度规模。For this, state-owned economy must carry one measurable scale.

基本影响——一个行为的即时可测影响。Primary effects----The immediate, measurable effects of an action.

但请记住,标准应该是可量化和可争议的。But remember that the criteria needs to be measurable and debatable.

当你微笑的时候,你的血压将显著降低。When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your bloodpressure.

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用可以衡量和可行的形容词定义一下你心目中的完美自我。Define your perfect self in adjectives that are measurable and obtainable.

只有到30岁左右男性类胆固醇激素才会出现明显的降低。The drop in male steroid hormones only becomes measurable by about age 30.

目标陈述用可测量的指标结定项目的目标。The goal statement defines the objective of the project in measurable terms.

裁剪技术依赖于经过几何测量的美丽胴体。Sartorial techniques insist on the beauty of a geometrically measurable body.

经过27个月的治疗后,其中一个患者已经没有可测量的视网膜胚细胞瘤。At 27 months after therapy, one patient was free of measurable retinoblastoma.

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由于压强和体积的改变带来的,附加变化无疑是可以测量的。The additional change due to changing pressure volume is certainly measurable.

像涉众设定的任何其他目标一样,此目标必须是可度量的。This goal, like any other goals set by the stakeholders, has to be measurable.

久期可以衡量债券价格的变化,从而分析债券基金净值的变化。Duration measurable changes in bond prices, the net value of bond funds changes.