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我们还有很多的疑难杂症。We still have a lot of intractable diseases.

与此同时,这些严俊的问题还相当棘手。Meanwhile, the biggest problems are intractable.

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狂野的,不驯服的。用来形容猎鹰训练中的鹰。Wild and intractable. Used of a hawk in falconry.

乡村的问题似乎是难以解决的。The problems of rurality appear to be intractable.

不过这一问题不象你所听到的那么棘手。Yet the problem is not as intractable as you often hear.

目的探讨顽固性肱骨外上髁炎的治疗方法。Objective To probe into the therapy of intractable tennis elbow.

而另一方面,夷平面的定年仍是一个棘手的问题。The dating of planation surface is still an intractable problem.

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结论乙酰唑胺是治疗顽固性呃逆较为有效的药物。Conclusion Diamox is an effective medicine for intractable hiccup.

谈论水危机掩饰了诸如贫穷这样棘手的问题。To talk about a water crisis hides intractable problems such as poverty.

这被搁置的棘手议题就是尼泊尔防备军力的未来。The deferred, intractable issue is the future of Nepal’s security forces.

目的探讨不同治疗方法对顽固性鼻出血的意义。Objective To discuss different therapeutic methods of intractable epistaxis.

泰国的政治顽疾是出现这一问题的原因之一。The country's intractable political problems are contributing to the problem.

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慢性呃逆是一不易治疗的疾病,其发生机制尚不明确。Chronic hiccup is an intractable disease and its pathogenesis is still unclear.

作者应用立体定向内囊前肢毁损术治疗顽固性强迫症3例。Stereotactic capsulotomy was performed in 3 patients with intractable obsession.

虽然我们的地区有太多棘手的问题,但这里却给人以阔步向前之感。For all the intractable problems in our region, there is a sense of forward movement.

脑性瘫痪儿童的癫疒间大多为难治性,需要联合用药治疗。Most of the epilepsies in children with CP are intractable ones and need polytherapy.

过去定期降下温和小雨的温带气候之地会有棘手的干旱肆虐。Temperate climates used to periodic gentle rainfall will suffer intractable droughts.

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苍白球和丘脑手术的结合适用于合并顽固性震颤的PD患者。Combination of PVP and thalamotomy is advisable for PD patients with intractable tremor.

静脉注射甾类激素治疗顽固性妊娠呕吐的有效性研究。Pulsed steroid therapy is an effective treatment for intractable hyperemesis gravidarum.

目的观察德巴金对卒中后顽固性呃逆的疗效。Objective To assess the therapeutic effect of Depakin in intractable hiccup after stroke.