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碎弓只是种填充Tremolo, just kind of filler.

关闭并锁好加油口盖。Close and lock the filler cap.

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只是一篇补白,仅此而已。It's all just filler , really.

加机油的通气孔盖。Cap covering the oil filler hole.

对填充字段最后一个说明。One final comment about filler fields.

绢云母是一种质优价廉的矿物填料。Sericite is a new type of mineral filler.

介绍了一种新的镍基焊料的开发应用情况。A new Ni-based filler metal is introduced.

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认识到恐惧通常只是趁虚而入者。Recognize that fear generally is a filler.

其他类型的木材填料会的工作,也。Other types of wood filler would work , too.

钎料厚度较厚时钎焊变形较大。Thicker filler metal led to bigger deformation.

不得使用奥氏体填充材料。Austenitic filler materials are not permissible.

增清剂肥皂或去污剂中用的研磨剂或填料。An abrasive or filler used in a soap or detergent.

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勾缝后应用瓷砖表面多余的嵌缝料擦拭干净。Remove extra joint filler on the surface of tiles.

是俚语说法,指很棒的、很值得的。A slangy filler expression which means great or worthwhile.

结果表明,白炭黑是硅橡胶包覆层材料较为理想的补强填料。The results show that SiO 2 is an effective reinforce filler.

该填充料的作用是防止过早的释放出co2。The role of the filler is to prevent premature release of CO2.

内填充物均为高品质PP棉,具有良好的弹性。Within the filler are high quality PP cotton, good elasticity.

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一般来说,最好适用于薄层填充材料。Generally, it's better to apply filler materials in thin layers.

然而,「休止符」实际上比赘词,更令人印象深刻。However, a pause is actually more impressive than a filler word.

填料一般用浸油或涂有石墨的石棉绳。Filler generally Baptist oil or graphite coated with asbestos rope.