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你的咖啡加糖吗?Do you like to sweeten your coffee?

他能把极平常之事说得十分动听。He can sweeten the ordinary things.

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在一定的条件下酸的东西可以变甜。Sours sweeten under certain conditions.

最好喝热茶,不加糖。The tastiest hot tea, does not sweeten.

所以甜点就变得比较便宜It becomes very inexpensive to sweeten things.

为什么在美国要把食物变甜呢Why would you sweeten things in the United States?

浪漫或者创造欲使周日和周一早晨甜蜜。Romantic or creative urges sweeten Sunday and early Monday.

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邦尼·斯温顿花了一百万美元获得保释。Bonnie Sweeten has been released on one million dollars bail.

吃口香糖可以清洁口腔、去除异味。To sweeten your oral cavity,you can have a piece of chewing gum.

另外还可加入少量生蜂蜜或纯枫糖浆增加甜度。Sweeten to taste with a drizzle of raw honey or pure maple syrup.

可以试一下味,如果希望口味更甜些可加一些砂糖。Taste the mixture and sweeten with a little more sugar, if you wish.

而中国正试图提供低息的融资来击退对手。China is trying to sweeten its bid by offering low-interest financing.

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酒体厚实,仍然是那中药加干枣的味道,有加糖的咖啡,好喝的。Full body, still sweet herb plus dried date, sweeten coffee, good taste.

加一点蜂蜜或浓缩苹果汁或梨汁,让菜带点甜味。Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey, or concentrated apple or pear juice.

果肉可以单吃,或是用来稀释水果冻饮的浓稠度并增加其甜味。The flesh is eaten on its own or used to thin and sweeten fruit smoothies.

而且可以在茶内加红塘和蜂蜜,习惯甜食的mm也很容易接受。And can add red pool in tea honey, used to sweeten food mm is easy to accept.

或者也许俄国人将会用跟多的甜头来重新夺回其市场份额。Or perhaps the Russians will sweeten the deal to get back their market share.

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而且可以在茶内加红塘和蜂蜜,习惯甜食的mm也很容易接受。And can add red pool in tea and honey, used to sweeten food mm is easy to accept.

许多美国人会加些糖来增加甜甜的口感或者增加柠檬来加味。Many Americans choose to add sugar to sweeten the drink, or lemon to add to the flavor.

放半匙姜黄和一些蜂蜜的甜茶也有很好的效果。Making a tea of a half-teaspoonful of turmeric and some honey to sweeten works well, too.