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巴布亚岛砍伐森林清整土地Logging for Land Clearing in Papua

巴布亚纽几内亚的人明白这个观念。The people of Papua New Guinea understand this idea.

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Loku是在巴布亚新几内亚的一个年轻男孩。Loku is a young boy from a tribe in Papua New Guinea.

我正从巴布新几内亚这个小国家写信给你们。I'm writing to you from the little country of Papua New Guinea.

巴布亚岛是印度尼西亚完好原始森林最后的疆界。Papua is the last frontier of intact ancient forest inIndonesia.

过去我用筷子吃东西就像巴布亚新几内亚的部落人用矛刺鱼一样。I once used chopsticks like Papua New Guinea tribesman spear fish.

巴布新几内亚有超过750种语言,而语言就是文化。Papua New Guinea has more than 750 languages and language is culture.

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巴布亚纽几内亚的人不觉得这样子让人害怕或困扰。The people of Papua New Guinea don't think this is scary or confusing.

在巴布亚新几内亚偏远的穆勒·兰格山区新发现的一种蛙。A newly discovered frog in Papua New Guinea in the remote Muller range.

一个年青人在巴布亚新几内亚的一个节日里炫耀他的泡泡糖。A youngster shows off with bubble gum at a festival in Papua New Guinea.

格拉斯伯格的罢工事件,从很多方面说是为巴布亚独立而斗争。The fight at Grasberg is, in many ways, about the fight for Papua itself.

2006年病毒向东进一步蔓延至巴布亚岛和苏门答腊的大部分地区。In 2006 the virus spread further east infecting Papua and much of Sulawesi.

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它坐落在巴布亚省在印尼附近,并雇用一九五零零人。It is located in the province of Papua in Indonesia near , and employs 19 500.

巴布亚新几内亚的桑比亚人经常会参加部落间的战争。The Sambia people of Papua New Guinea live in a constant state of tribal warfare.

见更多在巴布亚新几内亚发现的新物种的图片,还包括一只“尤达蝙蝠”。See pictures of more new species found in Papua New Guinea, including a "Yoda bat."

巴布亚新几内亚丛林深处发现一种新巨鼠。A new species of giant rat has been discovered deep in the jungle of Papua New Guinea.

中方将继续在力所能及的范围内向巴新提供援助。China will continue to offer Papua New Guinea assistance within its available resources.

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他们包括了四种发现自印尼巴布亚岛的福贾山的迪利亚蝶种。They include four Delias butterfly species from the Foja Mountains in Papua in Indonesia.

他举起装着一些昆虫的托盘,它们是由巴布亚新几内亚岛上水果中拣出的幼虫发育而来。He lifts trays holding insects grown from larvae picked out of fruits in Papua New Guinea.

由鸽航航空公司运营的飞机正由索龙飞往巴布亚的凯马纳的途中。The plane operated by Merpati Nusantara Airline was on route of Sorong to Kaimana of Papua.