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杜松子酒和甜苦艾酒。I ordered gin and vermouth.

我要了杜松子酒和苦艾酒。I ordered gin and vermouth.

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我从不喜欢苦艾酒的味道。I've never liked the taste of vermouth.

威士忌及甜苦艾酒倒入杯里搅匀。Stir whisky and Sweet Vermouth in glass.

她只在杜松子酒里加了少许苦艾酒。She added only a hint of vermouth to the gin.

那么我推荐甜苦艾酒以及杜邦内葡萄酒。Then I recommend the Sweet Vermouth and Dubonnet.

甜苦艾酒听起来很棒,我想尝尝看。The Sweet Vermouth sounds delicious. I'll try that.

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也可以用等量的水和苦艾酒或是伏特加。You can use equal parts ofwater and vermouth or vodka.

法式味美思干酒基本无色,酒香清淡。Dry of 'French' vermouth is almost colorless, and has a delicate flavor.

把苦艾酒和番茄搅拌,从煎锅底部抹去少量的棕色物。Stir in vermouth and tomatoes, scraping up any brown bits from bottom of skillet.

这些都是在三一广场喝下一杯味美思和黑茶蕉子酒后激发的快活念头。These are sunny thoughts inspired by a vermouth cassis at the Place de la Trinité.

味美思酒及其他加植物或香料的用鲜葡萄酿造的酒。Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances.

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是一种鸡尾酒,用英式金酒、意大利苦艾酒、法国苦艾酒和橙汁调制而成。It's a cocktail made from dry gin, Italian vermouth, French Vermouth and orange juice.

是一种用中国酒配制的鸡尾酒,用竹叶青酒和中国味美思酒调制而成。A cocktail made from Chinese products --- Green Bamboo Leaf Liquor and Chinese Vermouth.

是一种鸡尾酒,用一份普利茅斯金酒和一份意大利苦艾酒配制而成。It's a cocktail made by mixing one part of Plymouth Gin and one part of Italian vermouth.

那我推荐您喝伏特加鸡尾酒。它由几种烈酒配制而成,最后加入苦艾酒。Then I recommend the vodka swizzle. It is made from several liquors and mixed into vermouth.

啤酒、红酒、雪利酒和味美斯酒含有大量的酪胺,这是可能导致偏头痛的。Beer, red wine, sherry, and vermouth contain large amounts of tyramine , which can cause migraines.

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虽然它只是由琴酒和辛辣苦艾酒搅拌调制而成,但是口感却非常锐利、深奥。Although it is only by mixing gin and vermouth mixed with spicy, but the taste is very sharp, profound.

托尼调制超级干度马提尼时,仅吸取了150微升的这种“干燥香精”,放进了苦艾酒的瓶子中。To makesuperdry martinis, Conigliaro pipettes 150 microlitres of this "dryessence" into a bottle of vermouth.

事实上,我想今年我会加一些味美思酒,一些干樱桃,或者一两只牡蛎也未尝不可。In fact, this year I think I'll add a dash of vermouth and some dried cherries and maybe even an oyster or two.