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那贼被迫吐出脏物。The thief disgorged his plunder.

经济增长不能依靠掠夺。Growth doesn't depend on plunder.

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人类是来掠夺的还是来欣赏的?Has he come to plunder or appreciate?

我要把它都夺来,带回家去。I would plunder it all, and carry it home.

各兵丁都为自己夺了财物。Each soldier had taken plunder for himself.

遗憾的是,掠夺这个词令人厌恶。It is to be regretted that the word plunder is offensive.

很多城镇的乱民都趁乱抢夺官府的粮食。Many towns MOBS while disorderly plunder the rulers food.

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发达国家将再也不能掠夺玻利维亚的资源。Rich countries would no longer plunder Bolivia's resources.

海盗进港后便开始抢劫此镇。The pirates entered the harbor and began to plunder the town.

我将全犹大人交在巴比伦王的手中,他要将他们掳到巴比伦去,用刀击杀。They will take it away as plunder and carry it off to Babylon.

一只鸟,一双翅膀,一双闪烁随时准备掠夺的慧眼。A bird, a pair of wings, a pair of eye blinking ready to plunder.

莫拉莱斯在2005年的总统选举中高票获胜,他承诺终结玻利维亚500年遭受掠夺的历史。Morales swept to power in 2005 promising to end 500 years of plunder.

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英法联军无疑是最先抢掠圆明园的罪魁祸首。Unquestionably, the united army is the chief criminal of the plunder.

把一切所夺的,所掳的,连人带牲畜都带了去They took all the plunder and spoils, including the people and animals

他想夺走的家园、土地、梦想还有可以掠夺的一切。He want to plunder our home, land, dreams and any other can be plundered.

会逐渐的使一个充满掠夺的政治转向一个充满希望的政治。Gradually it would shift from a politics of plunder to a politics of hope.

然后我问斯利瓦斯塔瓦犯罪组织会怎样利用可破解的彩票。I then ask Srivastava how a criminal organization might plunder the lottery.

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这是掠夺我们者的份子,抢劫我们者的命运。Such is the portion of those who despoil us, the lot of those who plunder us.

因耶和华必为他辩屈,抢夺他的,耶和华必夺取那人的命。for the Lord will take up their case and will plunder those who plunder them.

对一支球队来说,这可真是惊人的成就,简直可以称为“点球掠夺者”。That's an extraordinary amount of penalty-based plunder for one football team.