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天天电脑前眼睛会近视吗?Is the eye before day atmospherics head myopic?

由于大气干扰,无线电节目听不清楚。The radio program was indistinct because of the atmospherics.

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“整个全面上来看,中国正察觉到整个气氛巨大的变化,”他补充道。“All across the board, China is seeing the atmospherics change tremendously, ” he added.

抗工业电干扰及其它天电干扰能力强等。It has high resistance to the interference of industrial electricity and the interference of other atmospherics.

尽管没有取得实质性成果,但两国领导人都在努力为解决问题营造良好的氛围。Despite the lack of concrete results, the two leaders have been trying hard to put the right atmospherics in place.

他说,“很明显,现在微软的情况和十年前已经大相径庭。"There's not a question that the atmospherics of Microsoft are much more different that they were a decade ago, " he said.

这些关键桢冲视觉上帮助工作人员来更为精确地处理灯光方向、调色板、色值、组合以及环境氛围。These gave the crew visual targets to help describe precise lighting direction, color palettes , value, composition and atmospherics.

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他们专心于实验性声乐结构、钢铁般的敲击节奏、复杂韵律、黑暗气氛以及扭曲的电子噪音。They focuse on experimental vocal structures, hard-as-iron beats, complex rhythms, dark atmospherics , and tortured electronic noise.

主要是温柔的灯光,舒适的温度和湿度,暖色调和舒缓的氛围如音乐或鲜花。The keys are soft lighting, comfortable temperature and humidity levels, warm colors and soothing atmospherics such as music or flowers.

之后,电信局上门来开通电话,忙乎半天电话就是接不通,原来是终端接口接错了线。Later, telegraphic bureau comes to open a phone, busy half atmospherics word is received namely be illogical, it is terminal interface receives a fault so line.

研究表明,帮忙本身的价值不及围绕它的那种氛围重要,这让人情的价值更难把握,从而也更容易换得人家的回报。Making favors even trickier to grasp -- and thus easier to game -- is research suggesting that the deed itself isn't as valued as much as the atmospherics around it.