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他办事效率高.He's efficient.

王先生办事干净利落。Mr. Wang is very efficient.

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王总是一个心地善良,很讲效率的人。He is a kind and efficient man.

她是一个有能力的经理。She is an efficient manageress.

可是我们怎么才能更有效率呢?But how can we be more efficient?

她是一名头脑反应快、办事效率高的工人。She is a quick and efficient worker.

但是,骑自行车更有效率。But yeah, biking is pretty efficient.

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他工作很有条理,而且办事效率高。He is highly organized and efficient.

同时该产品也是一种高校分散剂。It is also a high efficient disperser.

我们的学习是高效快捷的学习。Our study is high efficient and quick.

我们的进攻如水银泻地。We were efficient and slick in attack.

凡士林是一种很有效的润滑剂。Vaseline is a very efficient lubricator.

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还用说那使你杀人更有效率是吧?。Makes you a more efficient killer, right?

所有都是双格窗户。New energy efficient Double pain windows.

但它必须是一个公平,高效的赌场。But it has to be a fair, efficient casino.

他们必须进行有效率的搜索。They want to be efficient in their search.

另外,她的自言自语也很有效。Besides, her self-chatter can be efficient.

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但是你的合约必须是高效率的。But you should be efficient in that contact.

东能源电厂也许是个效率高的燃煤者。Dong Energy may be an efficient coal-burner.

这是一种有效利用稀缺资源的方式吗?Is this an efficient use of scarce resources?