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天空由麦克·墨菲是蓝色的。The sky is blue by Mike Murphy.

有什么问题,摩菲女士?What's the problem, Ms. Murphy?

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很明显理查德是俄罗斯人。Richard Murphy was clearly a Russian.

超声莫菲氏征阳性。Murphy sign of ultrasound was positive.

墨菲说,“所有一切都与数据移动有关。”“It’ all about data movement, ” Murphy ay.

名人访谈记者盖尔·墨菲说道,“好莱坞觉得什么重要?Huge!" said celebrity interviewer Gayl Murphy.

你知道马费先生还在打听你吗?You know that Mr. Murphy still asks about you?

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药物使摩菲安静了三十分钟。The drug put murphy in a lull for thirty minutes.

墨菲和克利夫兰的乔治•克莱尔。B. Murphy in Chicago and George Crile in Cleveland.

航队司令莫费当然要问我们的位置。Admiral Murphy reasonably inquired into our location.

无论您相信与否,爱德华·墨菲的确是真人真事。Believe it or not, Edward J Murphy was a real person.

在流行的艾迪墨菲电影,他们使用了骆驼。In the popular Eddie Murphy movies, they used a llama.

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墨菲于2007年与英国编剧西蒙·曼杰克结婚。Murphy married British screenwriter Simon Monjack in 2007.

奥迪.墨菲是美国史上获颁勋章最多的军人。Audie Murphy was the most decorated soldier in American history.

墨菲女士并不像个乘坐航班出门远行的人。Ms Murphy did not seem like a typical traveller for that flight.

墨菲说,营地的参加者学习如何倾听对方。Murphy said the camp participants learn how to listen to each other.

那墙角里黑乎乎的,莫非是“孙科长”?。The corner of the mariposa rushed, murphy is "Samson section chief"?

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有面包师墨非,在隔壁街区开了一家糕饼店。There's Murphy the baker, who runs the pastry shop on the next block.

1978年生于肯特郡的乡村,并在那里长大。Spencer Murphy was born in 1978 and grew up in the Kentish countryside.

这些照片是由摄影师西莫墨菲在1994年和2010年。These photos were taken by photographer Seamus Murphy in 1994 and 2010.