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他会在诗歌里让她不朽。He would immortalize her in a poem.

就是这样让此刻成为永恒!What a way to immortalize this moment!

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议会表示,希望这位俄罗斯领导人的名字能够名垂千古。The parliament said it would immortalize the Russian leader's name.

到我的画室里去坐着,好吗?我要为你画张像。Please sit for me in the studio, "he pleaded, and l will immortalize your beauty."

而答案当然是让你和你的夥伴们名留我的史册。The answer, of course, is immortalize you and your companions in my historical records.

幻想在五十年后,一位新闻记者想撰文纪念你。Imagine it is fifty years in the future, and a news reporter is trying to immortalize you.

据说一个名叫Herostratus的人为了使他的名字永垂青史,就在公元前356年烧毁了神殿。A man named Herostratus reportedly burned down the temple in 356 B.C. in an attempt to immortalize his name.

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悲痛欲绝的皇帝于是决定建造一座人间最华丽的陵墓--泰姬陵--来永远怀念亡妻。The heartbroken emperor resolved to immortalize her memory by creating the finest monument ever seen, the Taj Mahal.

于是悲痛欲绝的皇帝决定建造一座人间最华丽的陵墓——泰姬陵来永远怀念亡妻。The heartbroken emperor resolved to immortalize her memory by creating the finest monument ever seen, the Taj Mahal.

也许,这就是为什么那些艺术爱好者十有八九能找到某种使这种酒兴历久不衰的办法,历久不衰!Probably, that’s the reason why art lovers, most of the time, find some solution to immortalize that headiness, forever!

多亏了来自荷兰和巴勒斯坦的那群艺术家,人们如今可以不再需要护照或是一罐喷漆,就可以将他们所要诉说的话语永恒的留在墙上。Thanks to a group of Dutch and Palestinian activists, people can now immortalize their words on the wall without a passport or a can of Krylon.

卡罗尔太太一看到姑娘变化了的神情,便受到了一个新的念头的启发。When he looked about him for another and a less intractable damsel to immortalize in melody, memory produced one with the most obliging readiness.

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通过传统的雕塑材料如陶,瓷,青铜或者石头,我根据个人的理解创作了这些现代塑像。I like to select a personal choice of modern icons and immortalize my interpretation of them by using classical sculptural materials like ceramics, porcelain, bronze or stone.