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他用怀疑的神情问我。He asked me with an incredulous look.

凯尔西巡官对此显得越发难以置信。Inspector Kelsey looked still more incredulous.

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当我想丈夫阐述这些假说时,他很怀疑。When I run this hypothesis by my husband, he is incredulous.

“但是我能自己走吗?”他用一种怀疑的语气问道。"But can I walk by myself?" he asked in an incredulous voice.

我把这个故事讲给简听,听完后她不相信地朝我一笑。After I told her the story, Jane gave me an incredulous smile.

我能感到自己的脏脸咧出怀疑的笑容。I could feel my grimy face cracking into an incredulous smile.

我心急火燎地给饭店打电话,旅馆职员有点不相信,漫不经心。Frantically, phoned the hotel. The clerk was incredulous and a bit aloof.

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我告诉他们,一开始他们都不相信,可后来都高兴得一蹦三尺高。I had told them who were at first utterly incredulous and then over the moon.

“那里有他的晚餐吗?”怀疑却令人着迷的布拉希尔夫人问。"Having his dinner there?" asked the incredulous but fascinated Mrs. Brashear.

他转过身,背朝着他俩紧张、惊疑的面孔。He turned his back on their strained, incredulous faces. He knew it was the truth.

甚至在对OT三产生怀疑之后,他仍继续在“完全自由之桥”上“提升”。Even after his incredulous reaction to O.T. III, he continued to “move up” the Bridge.

这是发生在我身上最疯狂的一件事了!"This is the craziest thing that has ever happened to me!" an incredulous Taylor said.

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甚至在对OT三产生怀疑之后,他仍继续在“完全自由之桥”上“提升”。Even after his incredulous reaction to O. T. III, he continued to “move up” the Bridge.

接到这份不可思议的报告,机场塔楼里的人满腹狐疑,马上调整雷达开始跟踪。An incredulous tower received the incredulous report, made a radar fix and began tracking him.

单珊和冼赫发现国忠夫妇竟然帮他们洗墙壁,感到难以置信。When Shan Shan and Xian He finds out that the couple helped them to paint, they are incredulous.

她起初是不相信,因为她知道我是多么热衷于政治,她也知道我是多么反对那场战争。She was incredulous at first, because she knew how much I loved politics and how deeply I felt about the war.

某种在合理判断的可能性之外的事情正在我明察秋毫的眼睛前发生着。Something outside the possibility of rational justification was taking place in front of my incredulous eyes.

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外界的人们几乎不敢相信这些人可以这么快就宽恕了这一场毫无人性的罪行。The outside world was incredulous that such forgiveness could be offered so quickly for such a heinous crime.

当黑人终于通过静坐示威、联合抵制和自由乘车游行的方式以示抗议,来提及这个问题时,他们觉得简直难以置信。When blacks finally started to “mention” it, with sit-ins, boycotts, and freedom rides, Americans were incredulous.

我心急火燎地给饭店打电话,旅馆职员有点不相信,漫不经心。他笑了起来,说还没有人捡到。Frantically, phoned the hotel. The clerk was incredulous and a bit aloof. He laughed, saying it hadn't been reported.