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在该领域仍然存在许多需要解决的问题,如近亲属可得赔偿的精神损害的范围有多大?。Many problems need to be solved in this field, for example, how large is the scope of compensable moral damage?

在可赔偿资本风险比率管理中,重点研究事务所如何有效地调节可赔偿资本及最优赔偿资本。In the compensable capital ratio management, this paper researches how to adjust efficiently the compensable capital.

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当启动业务流程时,由业务流程执行的可补偿活动集的范围就设置好了。When a business process is started, the scope for the set of compensable activities performed by the business process is set up.

按照相关法律的规定,在此类情况下广告发布者应予赔偿或退货。In accordance with the relevant legal provisions, in the case of advertisements issued by persons such compensable or returned goods.

同时旅游合同还有其特殊性,为了更好地保护旅游者的利益,我国很需要建立旅游合同的瑕疵担保责任。Because the tour contract is a compensable contract, it should establish the blemish assured responsibility based on the impartial principle.

国有资源有偿使用收入管理意义重大,但目前仍是我国政府非税收入管理中的薄弱环节。The revenue management of state-owned resources compensable use is significant but still a weak link of non- tax revenue management in China.

对因供热单位原因致使居民住宅居室温度未达法定标准的,要按相关规定予以赔偿。Heating units as a result of a residential room temperature not because of statutory standards, according to the relevant provisions of compensable.

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认定可赔偿性损害必须坚持政策性限制、“度”的限制及相对性与有限性限制的原则。The identification of compensable damage should be restricted with such principles as policy factors, degree factor, relativity factor and finiteness factor.

冶金企业生活后勤工作,面向市场,实行有偿服务,是今后的发展方向,安钢的经验很值得进一步探索。Facing towards market and performing the compensable service is the development direction in future for rear service. Angan's experience is worthy of being researched.

要素计分法是一种量化的岗位评价方法,其实施需要考虑报酬要素的选择及其权重分配的影响。In fact, comprehensive evaluation of many compensable factors is necessary during job evaluation, and some compensable factors can be quantitated, but some can not be.

通过比较不同权重分配方法产生的岗位评价结果,研究报酬要素的相关性、岗位评价工具的特性。The research compared results of alternative weighting approaches and studied the relevance of compensable factors along with the characteristics of job evaluation tools.

专门针对该型导弹设计的离轴板以及火控软件,尤其是工程实现方面的补偿设计是导弹综合的关键技术。The special control board and weapon control software for the missile, especially the compensable design used in practice, are key technology for the missile integration.

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论述了设备管理与经济管理的关系,提出了加强设备的现代化管理及有偿使用,维修与保养等措施。The relation between equipment management and economic management are expounded. Modernized management of strengthening equipment, compensable use, maintenance are put forward.

“有偿不新闻”,就是指收受或索取了别人的财物,把公众本应该知道的信息隐藏起来,不报道,不曝光。"Compensable block of wood news" means that some information which people should have known are not reported and exposed, because of having received and asked for other's money.

在CSCW系统中,有些子事务是不可补偿的,如果采用数据库中的恢复技术,不能完全实现协同事务的恢复。Some sub_transactions are not compensable in CSCW system. If the recovery technique in database is adopted, the recovery of cooperative transaction will not be realized completely.

了解目标人群认可度较高的报酬要素,可结合组织实际情况,制订岗位评价工具,指导岗位评价实践。Good understanding of compensable factors with high degrees of approval helps to formulate a job evaluation tool as a guide in accordance with the whole situation of an organization.

关于此B方承认B方在此项的违约行为均会引起A方的不能挽回的且不能以赔偿金补偿的损害。Party B hereto acknowledges that any breach of this obligation by Party B of this Section will cause Party A irreparable harm, which may not be compensable by monetary damages along.

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社会主义资本具有多样性和统一性、增值性和共享性、运动性和风险性、不变性和可变性、有偿性和无偿性、系统性和相关性等属性。Socialist capital has such attributes as varied and unitarian, increasing and commonly shared, motional and risky, invariable and variable, compensable and free, systematic and relevant.

通过引入全面收益概念,编制全面收益表能很好地改善我国资本公积项目的核算和相关信息的披露。In order to improve accounting treatment of capital reserve and related information disclosure, we should introduce the concept of compensable income and offer compensable income statement.

成本管理、资产预算、有偿使用和资本化改革是价值管理的主要手段与方法,也是激活公共部门资产的一种有效的途径。Cost management, asset budget, compensable uses and capitalization reform are main means and methods of value management , and also an effective approach to activate public institution assets.