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全部记录下来。Record it all.

记录计数。The record count.

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这是一个记录。This is a record.

又买了一张新唱片?A new record again?

记录你的天赋。Record Your Genius.

继续播这张唱片愀宝贝。Spin that record babe.

他平了科的纪录。He equals Coe's record.

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我们保存激光唱片。We keep a laser record.

记下钻头系列号和型号。Record bit serial number.

但我们没有数据。there was no such record.

这张唱片真是老古董了。This record is a real oldie.

现在对国会的信仰处于破纪录的低。Today it is at a record low.

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直观记录计算机?。VRC? Visual Record Computer?

你听过我的新唱片吗?Have you heard my new record?

刷新欧洲记录。It set a new European record.

惠勒就没有你的资料。Wheeler has no record of you.

他保持着跳远的记录。He holds the long-jump record.

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所有的东西都会被记录在案。It would all be on the record.

他创造了一个新的全国纪录。He's set a new national record.

返回单条服务器记录。Returns a single server record.