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形式主义批评的理论背景是什么?What is the theoretical background of the Formalistic Approaches ?

罗杰•弗莱,二十世纪初著名的形式主义批评家。Roger Fry is a well-known formalistic critic in the early 20th century.

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这座城市充满了生命。它彻底颠覆了德国人形式主义的形象。This city is full of life . It totally overthrows the image of formalistic German.

这样,所谓的财产申报制度也就未免流于形式主义。In this way, the so-called assets declaration system also too formalistic doctrine.

由于有后一种美学基础,俄国形式主义批评就具有科学实证的特点。The latter has made scientific positiveness a feature of Russian formalistic criticism.

乔治·华盛顿·布什体制及其影响下的宪法体制都只是形式主义。George W. Bush’s style, and the constitutional ramifications of that style, were both formalistic.

通过这种相互的学习,会产生真正的富有创意的,而不仅仅是形式上的对话。It is out of mutual learning situations that genuine as opposed to formalistic dialogue can be fashioned.

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军事法价值是军事法的内在价值、外显价值和形式价值的有机统一。The value of military law consists of the internal value, external value and formalistic value of military law.

我们欢迎这个理论,丝毫不存什么‘先哲’一类的形式的甚至神秘的念头在里面。In our acceptance of his theory no such formalistic or mystical notion as that of 'prophecy' ever enters our minds.

它的形式主义性质从根本上决定了后三者的形式主义性质。The formalistic nature of his theory fundamentally determines the nature of the latter three as formalistic as well.

笔者反对“洋风”建筑所带来的新一轮形式主义的建筑风格取向。The writer opposes the new formalistic tendency of the style of architecture caused by the Westernized Architecture.

只有在法律和形式主义的意义上,所有者才可被认为是占有者和抢夺者的继承人。Only in a legal and formalistic sense can the owners be considered the successors of appropriators and expropriators.

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本文尝试引形式主义叙事学入该作,将形式叙事技巧研究与女性身份问题研究相结合,以揭示作品中女主人公的身份演变历程。The present study purposes to contribute formalistic narratology to the study of female identity in Maxine Hong Kingstons Woman Warrior.

生物学模式、进化论模式、形式主义模式是对西方艺术史研究的主要理论模式。Biological model, evolutionary model and formalistic model are the main theoretical research models in the study of the western art history.

但为适应现代生活而进行了较大的改造,因此不免流于形式,形似而神不似。But for adapting the modern life but carried on the bigger reformation, so become formalistic unavoidably, the likeness but absolute beings are not.

纵观全国,目前高校大学生学习方式的改革由于种种原因和条件限制往往流于形式,缺乏系统的理论研究和实践操作。Considering the whole country, the reform of students' learning style in higher school goes formalistic and lacks systemic theoretical research and practical operation.

本文认为,德育已不再是一种装饰品,而是一种生命的需要、生存的需要和快乐生活的需要,即交往的需要、精神的需要和意义生成的需要。In this thesis, the author puts forward that moral education is no more a formalistic way of education, but a need for one's anima, for one's living space and happy life.

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通过深入研究,可以对旅游规划形成克服形式主义的研究作风和成果评价的宽容价值取向,为旅游规划研究上水平创造了一个良好的学术平台。Through further research, we can create a good academic platform for its study to overcome formalistic study and a lenient value orientation for the evaluation of achievement.

登记机构受理登记申请,应实行形式主义的审查方式而不宜采取实质主义的审查方式。Registering the organization accepts to register an application, should practice a formalistic reviewing method but should not adopt the reviewing method of substance doctrine.

当前我国基础教育改革,受到了诸如市场化改革、权力主义改革、形式主义改革等种种不合道德改革现象的干扰和破坏。The current basic education reform in China suffers from kinds of immoral phenomena, such as the market-dominated reform, the authoritarian reform, the formalistic reform, etc.